Beatrix allows you to manage various types of information associated with a person’s profile.

The following instructions will explain how to add and edit the Links & Media attached to a person’s profile.

To begin managing the Links & Media for a profile:

  1. Visit

  2. Log in with your NetID and password

  3. Click Profiles in the navigation at the top of the page.

  4. Find and select the profile you want to edit (see Edit a Profile for more information).

  5. Click the Links & Media button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

Table of Contents

Related Links

The Related Links section allows you to add website addresses to articles or other websites you would like listed on your profile.

Do not include Yale press releases or podcasts. That data will be provided by the Office of Public Affairs. Additionally, do not add News articles you are tagged in here, you can do that via the News section of your profile.

To add a Related Link to your profile, click Add New... and the window below will pop up:

Enter the Title and URL for the link, and use the drop-down menu to choose the option that best describes your Link.

Click Add to and the link to your profile.

Once you have added your Related Links, you can sort, edit, or delete them:

You can sort your Related Links by clicking and dragging the sort icons (highlighted in yellow above).

You can also edit or delete them by clicking on the link row in the table.

Related Links populate in the News & Links section of the profile (highlighted in yellow below):

Social Media

The Social Media section allows users to include links to Social Media accounts in the profile.

To add a Social Media link to your profile, click Add New... and the window below will pop up:

Use the Social Media Type dropdown menu to select the Social Media platform for the account you are adding.

The Account Privacy toggle allows you to decide whether the link appears on your profile website.

Some platform links will require entering a url, which will appear as a field if you select that type. For the others, you just need to enter the name of the account, and the link will automatically be created.

Social Media links populate in the News & Links section of the profile (highlighted in yellow below):


This is the area where you add video, photo, and audio files to your profile.

Please do not include any images or video that fit the following descriptions:

  • Images depicting animals

  • Images for which you do not retain copyright or have rights to publish

  • Images of patients or PHI for which you do not have a signed HIPAA media release form.

To add media to the profile, click + Add New and the Media Library window will open up. If the media is already in the system, you can browse or search for it here and select it. If you are adding new media that is not in the system, you can click Upload Media.

Once you click on the media, a new window will open showing details (below). Information you enter or edit here in the Title and Caption fields will accompany the media when it displays on your profile.

When adding images, whether you are adding existing images or new images, please ensure there is useful text into the Alt Text field (highlighted in yellow above). Alt text is required for accessibility and ADA compliance.

When you are satisfied with the information in the fields, click Add to add the media to the profile.

Once you have added all the media you want to include, each item can be reordere using the sort icons to the left of each entry (highlighted in yellow below):

Media populates under Media in the News & Links section of the profile (below):