Publications imported from Dimensions in Beatrix

Publications imported from Dimensions in Beatrix

Beatrix.yale.edu allows you to manage various types of information associated with a person’s profile.

The following instructions will explain how to manage and edit a profile’s Publications.

To begin managing the Publications on a profile:

  1. Visit http://Beatrix.yale.edu

  2. Log in with your NetID and password

  3. Click People in the navigation at the top of the page.

  4. Find and select the profile you want to edit (see Edit a Profile for more information).

  5. Click the Publications button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

Table of Contents


With the launch of Beatrix, publications are imported from http://Dimensions.ai , a powerful platform that contains more than 160 million publications from PubMed along with many other sources to include chapters, books, and more. You can also manually add publications that are missing from the import. This article provides a general overview as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

If your Beatrix profile is not linked with Dimensions and has no publications, please reach out to ysm.editor@yale.edu or click the Don't see your publications? button in the Import Settings section on the Publications page. Please send us a list of publications to help us match your profile with Dimensions. The list can be any of the following

  • Public NCBI My Bibliography Link

  • PubMed Query

  • Google Scholar Link


  • Example Citations (ideally at least 3)

Each night when the system syncs with Dimensions.ai, new publications included in linked Dimensions profiles will be imported to Beatrix.

Managing Your Publications

Reviewing imported publications:

Imported Dimensions publications are automatically accepted, but some users may have publications from the rollout phase of the Dimensions integration that may still be pending review.

  1. The “Pending” tab on your Publications page displays any publications that have been imported but need to be reviewed to accept or reject.

  2. For each publication in the list, click the green “check” icon to approve or the red “slash” icon to reject.

    1. Approved publications will automatically appear on your web profile and in your CV (when regenerated).

    2. Rejected publications will be moved to the “Rejected” tab. Don’t worry – if you accidentally reject a publication, you can change its status to accepted.

If you’re seeing many publications in the Pending tab that are not yours, you are missing many publications, or see no publications at all, please reach out to ysm.editor@yale.edu so that we can adjust your import settings.

Manually add a publication that is not in your Pending or Accepted list:

Dimensions aggregates publications from many of the largest sources of published research, but does not capture everything for every researcher. If publications are missing from your import, please reach out to ysm.editor@yale.edu, we may be able to adjust your import settings to capture the missing ones. However, there are cases where the publication is completely absent from Dimensions and needs to be added manually.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of your publications list.

  2. Click “Manually add a publication”

  3. Choose a category. This is used to categorize your publications according to the School of Medicine’s standardized CV format.

  4. If the publication is in PubMed, enter the PubMedID and click “verify”.

  5. If the publication is not in PubMed, click the “Other” radio button and enter the relevant information.

    1. In the citation field, please enter the full citation as you would on a CV. Include the title and year.

    2. The “Title” field is used for display purposes.

    3. The “Year” field is used to sort the publications.

    4. Enter a URL if you want to link the citation to the full text entry on a website.

  6. Click “Add”

Feature publications on your public profile:

  1. In the “Accepted” tab, click the “star” icon beside of any publication that you want to display at the top of your publications list on your public profile.

  2. You can feature up to five publications.

Publications on the Profile Website

The publications that are accepted to your profile and set to display will be listed in the Research section of your profile website, under Publications.

Publications as they display on the profile website.


Up to 10 publications are displayed on the main profile page, followed by a link to a separate page with all of the profile’s publications. The 10 publications are listed chronologically by most recent and categorized by year. If publications are featured in Beatrix, the Featured publications will come before the most recent in their own section.

Displaying Additional Data about Publications

The Research at a Glance section of the profile allows users to display additional data related to their publications on their profile as an overview of their publishing activity and interests.

This section is optional and customizable and can be configured in the Appearance tab of the profile.

To configure the Research at a Glance section,

  1. Visit http://Beatrix.yale.edu

  2. Log in with your NetID and password

  3. Click People in the navigation at the top of the page.

  4. Find and select the profile you want to edit (see Edit a Profile for more information).

  5. Click the Appearance button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

  6. Navigate to the Research section

There are currently 3 infographic options based on the data connected to your publications imported from Dimensions:

  1. Yale Co-Authors: A list of the other Yale profiles that appear as authors on the same publications.

  2. Publications Timeline: A graph of the research output by year, including total publications and citations.

  3. Research Interests: A list of the most common research keywords that appear in your publications.

You can sort this list and hide any of these infographics using the interface in the Research at a Glance sub-section (below)

The interface for configuring the Research at a Glance section.

You can use the sort icons (yellow above) to determine the order of the carousel that will be displayed on the profile.

You can use the show/hide toggles (red above) to choose which of the infographics display on the profile. If you turn them all off, the section will not display at all.

The Research at a Glance section displays as an interactive carousel in the Research section of the profile website (highlighted in yellow below):

The Research at a Glance section appearing on the profile website, with the Yale Co-Authors section selected.

The photo above shows how the Yale Co-Authors data appears on the carousel. The following images are examples of the other options:

The Publications Timeline

Research Interests

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a “public” setting on each publication. Toggle the icon to red to suppress or green to display.

Example of a suppressed publication.
Example of a publication that displays on the public profile.


Yes, you can add a “publication reviewer,” who will also receive the notification email from Beatrix. Scroll to the bottom of your publications page, and add a person under the “Publication Reviewer” section. This person will only have access to your Publications page, not your entire profile.

In this example, Jason Schwartz is a publications reviewer on this profile and will receive the notifications email.


We recommend that you label a book preface a “Book chapter.”


You can add an ORCID to your Beatrix profile that links to your profile on the ORCID website.

The ORCID can be added in the ORCID section of the Publications page of your profile. Click Manually Add ORCID to verify and add the ID number.

If your profile is connected to Dimensions to import publications, your ORCID may have been imported along with it. If the wrong ORCID has been imported, please reach out to ysm.editor@yale.edu and we will look into it.

The ORCID displays on the profile in the Research section (highlighted in yellow below):

The ORCID displaying on the profile website.


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