Optional Article Content

This document provides instructions on adding optional content (content that is not required) to your news article, both Internal and External.

For instructions on the content required to submit a News article visit these instructions:


Table of Contents


This article uses an inline image, pull quote and call to action link. Instructions for using these elements follow.

Adding an Inline Image

When submitting an Article, you can add an Image that will appear withing the body of your article content.

  1. IMPORTANT: In the Body Content text box, place your cursor in the paragraph you would like the image to appear.

  2. After placing your cursor, click the Insert Picture icon on the text editing toolbar.

    Toolbar for editing text
    How to add an inline image
  3. Once you have chosen the image you would like to appear in your article, click on the image to select it and Add to Page.

  4. The next pop up will allow you to edit the Title and caption and select the alignment of the image in your text.


Pull Quote

  1. To add a Pull Quote, first put your cursor on the area of the story where you would like the offset quote to appear in your story.

  2. Click on the + icon on the text toolbar.

    3. A field will be added to your content window with indication of where to put the quote and author attribution.

Call to Action Link

Call to Action (CTA) links appear as a blue bar at the end of the article and are used to lead the reader to related content on YSM and Yale Medicine websites. This encourages our readers to more fully engage with our content and work and also improve our SEO (search engine optimization) — a win-win for communications efforts.

For example, if you’re writing an article about an upcoming conference, you may want to use the CTA link to point to a registration page. If you’re writing an article about a notable research discovery, you may want to link to your department’s research page on your website so readers can learn more.

Using the Call to Action to increase user engagement on your website.

Related Events

You can enter events that have been entered into the calendar to be associated with your news story. You might use this feature to associate an article with an upcoming conference or talk. Or, if your site has a calendar of past events you and the videos are linked to the event, you could include this on your conference coverage article.

  1. Scroll to the related content section and under related events, click Add New.

2. Select the event/s in the pop up window and click the + icon.


Adding a Gallery

Another way to add additional, but optional, content is to add a photo or video gallery.

All the content uploaded to the media library in the hero section of your article is also available here for use in the gallery.


For information on adding Hero Content to your article, visit these instructions:


To get an image gallery to appear in the article, go to the Media section and under Galleries click the Add New Gallery... link.

Click Add, after deciding on a name for your gallery (above).


After giving the Gallery a title, add media from the Media Library to the Gallery. The pop up window for adding a title, alt text and Caption will appear.


Using the two items we added in the Hero section (instructions here: ), and the Add Media to Gallery button, we created the gallery for our article.

In the Galleries section, you should now see the list of images you selected to be a part of your gallery (above).

It is worth noting that you are able to add multiple galleries, which will also appear in the sidebar.

  • For example, if you had both images and a video, you could easily combine them into one gallery using the process above.

  • If you wanted to set the video apart, however, you could create an image gallery, and then add the video as a new gallery.

Rearrange your images within the gallery by dragging and dropping them into the desired order using the hamburger icon to the left of each picture (highlighted above in blue).

When you are satisfied with your gallery, make sure to save your changes at the bottom of the content page by clicking Update button.