

The Beatrix System (Beatrix.yale.edu) allows you to manage contacts that are associated with an organization.

The following instructions will explain how to manage and edit contacts associated with an organization.

To being managing locations:

  1. Visit (Beatrix.yale.edu

  2. Log in with your NetID and password

  3. Click Organizations in the navigation at the top of the page.

  4. Find and select the organization you want to edit.

  5. Click the Contacts & Locations button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

This will take you to the editing workflow for an organization’s contacts.


The first option for managing an organization’s contacts and locations is an organization’s phone numbers.

Data entry fields for adding a phone number
Adding a departmental phone number



Click the Add New... button (highlighted in green above) if you want to add a phone number.

There are 2 required fields:

  1. Phone Type: The drop-down menu (highlighted in yellow above), which requires that you select the type of phone number you are adding.

  2. Phone Number: Enter the phone number you are adding.

    • The number must be 10 digits

After filling out the required fields, click the Add button to finish adding the phone number.

To remove a phone number, click the trash-can icon (highlighted above in blue).

Once you have added the contact information for your organization’s location, you can move on to manage the locations, instructions for which can be found here:

Managing Organization Locations


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