Removing News Articles from a Website

Removing News Articles from a Website

If you no longer want a news article to appear on a website, there are 2 options:

  1. Untagging the website’s Organization from the Article.

  2. Deleting the article altogether.

Articles should not be deleted unless they are incorrect or need to be completely removed from the web.


The following instructions provide information on deleting an article or removing it from a website.


Table of Contents


Navigating to the Article

To start deleting or removing an article from a website:

  1. Visit https://beatrix.yale.edu

  2. Log in with your NetID and password.

  3. Click News in the navigation.

  4. Find the article using the search and/or filters

  5. Click on the title and then Edit

Removing an Article from your Website

In the Article Editor, navigate to People and Organizations, and remove the organization from the Approval Status list by clicking on the trash can icon.

Deleting an Article

Again, an article rarely should be deleted altogether. Deleting an article will remove it from all websites it appears on as well as the profiles of any faculty or staff tagged in the article, which is probably not just your website. However, if for example the article was submitted in error and you have to delete it, start by clicking on the Article and the Edit button from on the article listings page.

Go to Publish at the end.

  • You can use the red Delete button in the bottom right of the article workflow to delete the article (highlighted in yellow below).

Remember, if you delete an article outright, you are deleting it for everyone. If you just want to remove it from a particular website, follow the instructions from the previous section.

Highlight of Delete button.
Deleting an article is irreversible. If in doubt, just untag or unpublish it.



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