Print Publication Listing

Print Publication Listing

To highlight your organization's printed publications, such as a newsletter or magazine, use the Publications List template. This template will add a browse-able gallery of issues for a particular publication with a title, image of the issue cover, and link to a PDF version of the issue.

Creating a print publication list from scratch requires building quite a few components.

  • You will want to first upload images for the covers, then create a component for each issue, then assemble the list.

  • These components can exist anywhere in the Building Blocks folder, but it may be easiest to create a separate folder for these components.


The following instructions provide information on creating a Print Publication Listing in Tridion.


Table of Contents


Create Components for Cover Images

First, you will need an image to appear as the "cover" for each issue. Upload each cover you will need for the list as an Image Component.

For information on Uploading Images as Multimedia Components in Tridion, visit these instructions:

Uploading Images


Creating Publications Reference Components

After you’ve uploaded the “cover” images as Image Multimedia Components, the next step is to create the Publications Reference components for each issue of the Publication you’d like yo display in a publication list.

  1. Enter an appropriate Name for the component(s).

  2. Choose Publications Reference from the Schema drop down menu.

  3. Publication Name: Enter the name of the Publication.

  4. Issue Name: Enter the volume, e.g. March 2012 or Vol. 3

  5. Cover image: Select the appropriate cover image you uploaded.

  6. Issue Date: Select the issue date using the calendar button.

  7. URL: If you have a link to the issue, click the hyperlink button in this field and enter the URL.

Once you have entered all the information, Save and Close your Publications Reference component(s) and you are ready to make a List component with them.


Creating a List Component with the Publications Reference Components

After creating the Publications Reference components, the next step is to create a List component to add them to.

  1. Enter an appropriate Name for the component(s).

  2. Choose List from the Schema drop down menu.

  3. In the Title field, enter the heading you want to appear on the page for your publications list.

    • For example, "Recent Publications" or "Latest Publications."

  4. Add the Publications Reference components you created to the list component.

Once you added your Publications Reference components to the List component, Save and Close the component, and you are ready to add it to a page.


Adding The Publications List to a Page

After creating the Publications List component, you can add the component to a page.

  1. Navigate in the Root folder to the page you'd like to add a Print Publications Listing to and double-click to open the page.

  2. In the window that opens, click the Component Presentations tab.

  3. Click Insert at the bottom left of the page window.

  4. Browse to the Print Publications Listing component you created and click to select it.

  5. From the Component Template dropdown, select Publications List.

  6. Click the Insert button at the bottom right, then the Close button.

  7. Save and Close the page, then you are ready to publish.

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