but when we pass the department decision tree visit type 1401089, i I get an error. The same issue persists for everyone with the same visit type which that is tied to the speciality “Pediatric Allergy and Immunology”
Provider name is not displayed for Infectionoud Infectious disease program
Issue 3
For provider Epic id: 68538 (Dr. Agrawal)
As i I navigate the decision tree, Yes->Sleep->New Sleep
The decision tree says “Added Craig Canapari, MD and 2 others”
When i I click continue, i I see appointemtns appointments for Dr. Canapari and Dr. Agrawal only. The other two providers added does do not have any appointments. If I filter further to see the other two providers
, there is no availability.
Issue 4
The specialty “pediatrics” (although we are not mapping it right now) has two visit types.
The widget asks the user to pick the workflow. The workflow names are not patient friendly.