Issue 1
Provider Epic id 37792 has appointment availability 9/26 - 10/25 when we pass the new and follow up visit type
but when we pass the department decision tree visit type 1401089, I get an error. The same issue persists for everyone with the same visit type that is tied to the speciality “Pediatric Allergy and Immunology”,101020006&view=plain&public=1
Issue 2
Provider name is not displayed for Infectious disease program
Issue 3
For provider Epic id: 68538 (Dr. Agrawal),101260006&view=plain&public=1
As I navigate the decision tree, Yes->Sleep->New Sleep
The decision tree says “Added Craig Canapari, MD and 2 others”
When I click continue, I see appointments for Dr. Canapari and Dr. Agrawal only. The other two providers added do not have any appointments. If I filter further to see the other two providers, there is no availability.
Issue 4
The specialty “pediatrics” (although we are not mapping it right now) has two visit types.,2332&dept=101020003,101020004,101680038&view=plain&public=1
The widget asks the user to pick the workflow. The workflow names are not patient friendly.