Every organization present in Beatrix has a Publications tab. But in order to make use of this feature, it must be enabled for your organization. If your organization’s publication page looks like the following, it means it’s not enabled! Click the button or contact ysm.editor@yale.edu if you’re interested in starting to use this feature!
How it works
Organization Publications are entirely derived from the publications approved by individual members of the organization. There are two ways you can choose to manage these publications:
Include all publications: one option is to simply pool together ALL publications approved by any member of the organization to appear in the publications list for an organization. This is the recommended solution for very large organizations that have many members, and it’s not realistic for someone to manually curate a list of publications for the organization, for example: the Department of Internal Medicine, or Yale School of Medicine.
Manually approve publications: this is the recommended solution for smaller organizations, where it is a less time-consuming task to review publications as they are imported from Dimensions for the organization’s members
Each night when the system syncs with Dimensions.ai, anyone with new publications to review will receive an email from no-reply-Beatrix@yale.edu the following day that looks like:
Reviewing imported publications:
The “Pending” tab on your Publications page displays any publications that have been imported but need to be reviewed to accept or reject.
For each publication in the list, click the green “check” icon to approve or the red “slash” icon to reject.
Approved publications will automatically appear on your web profile and in your CV (when regenerated).
Rejected publications will be moved to the “Rejected” tab. Don’t worry – if you accidentally reject a publication, you can change its status to accepted.
If you’re seeing many publications in the Pending tab that are not yours, you are missing many publications, or see no publications at all, please reach out to ysm.editor@yale.edu so that we can adjust your import settings.
Manually add a publication that is not in your Pending or Accepted list:
Scroll down to the bottom of your publications list.
Click “Manually add a publication”
Choose a category. This is used to categorize your publications according to the School of Medicine’s standardized CV format.
If the publication is in PubMed, enter the PubMedID and click “verify”.
If the publication is not in PubMed, click the “Other” radio button and enter the relevant information.
In the citation field, please enter the full citation as you would on a CV. Include the title and year.
The “Title” field is used for display purposes.
The “Year” field is used to sort the publications.
Enter a URL if you want to link the citation to the full text entry on a website.
Click “Add”
Feature publications on your public profile:
In the “Accepted” tab, click the “star” icon beside of any publication that you want to display at the top of your publications list on your public profile.
You can feature up to five publications.