Beatrix - 2023.02.09 Release Notes
SD2-216 Add links to parent organizations on organization overview page
Acceptance Criteria
Parent organizations listed on the organization overview tab are now linked to the respective organization
SD2-342 Replace colors for all red/green toggles with more accessible colors
Acceptance Criteria
Replaced Beatrix toggle color scheme with a more accessible color scheme
SD2-456 BTX | News | "All Article" tab shouldn't include not published news
Acceptance Criteria
Unpublished news will no longer appear in "All Articles"
SD2-459 BTX | Feeds | Fix data inconsistencies related to inactive profiles
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a data issue related to profiles that move from inactive back to active status.
SD2-468 BTX | Reflect changes to image variants in article content
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where metadata about images in Yale Medicine articles was not updating when entered in Beatrix
SD2-490 Ability to add future "end date" for Administrative Positions
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where it was impossible to add an end date in the future for an administrative position
SD2-101 YMS3 | People | Professional Activity | Collaborator details modal is opened when user reorders the list of collaborators
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where resorting items in a list caused them to open for editing
SD2-123 BTX | Profile | Patient Care | It's possible to add 2 appointment phone numbers for member of YM Care team
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where it was possible to add 2 appointment phone numbers for the same specialist
SD2-246 BTX | Media Library | Titles of specific documents are missing from the database
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where some document titles were appearing in Media Library browser but not stored as the media title in the database
SD2-248 YMS 3 | Media Galleries list | Edit Gallery
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where dragging media items in a list caused them to open to editing.
SD2-395 YMS3 | Profile Editor receives 403 error when he changes Privacy option of past clinical trial from the list
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where users got a permissions error when trying to change the privacy status of a clinical trial
SD2-407 YMS 3 | Event | Campus Group Subscription | Filter by organizations doesn't work for Calendar Admin role
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where filtering by specific calendars sometimes did not work
SD2-457 YMS 3 | Media Library | Media permission issues
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed permission issues related to Media Library
SD2-465 BTX | Organizations | "Not Live" status updating isn't reflected in specific places
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem with organizations that were "inactive" appearing in places only active organizations should appear.
SD2-471 Beatrix | Feeds | YM feeds setup failed due to an error with news tags
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a bug that broke Yale Medicine data feeds with certain news tags.
SD2-481 BTX | Media Library | Users with unappropriate permissions are still able to delete documents
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where users who should not have access to delete Media Library items were able to delete
SD2-483 BTX | News | Removing of all authors from the article leads to error
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where removing all authors from a news article could cause an error
SD2-484 BTX | Multi-session events | Creating a media gallery in event session leads to session URL being replaced with occurrence URL
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where adding a media gallery to an multi-session event session broke the link to the session.
SD2-485 BTX | Events | 500 error on adding the same document to related documents twice
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where it was possible to add the same related Media Library document twice in the same article
SD2-487 BTX | Profile | Career | Make administrative positions list unsortable
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where administrative positions could be sorted in CV builder, which is incorrect, they should always appear in chronological order on CVs
SD2-488 BTX | People | Unpublished Events shouldn't appear in Events tab
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where unpublished news would appear in the list of news a user is tagged in
SD2-499 BTX | Organizations | "Display on Yale Medicine" toggle set cannot be changed from the Organization Member modal
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where the Yale Medicine website toggle did not save when edited
SD2-511 BTX | Dashboard | "Draft" news should show only unpublished news of the current user
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where draft news articles that were not created by the currently logged in user appeared in their draft news article list
SD2-531 BTX | News | Opening of inline media leads to 500 error
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a bug that caused an error when trying to edit an image inserted in the body of a news article.
SD2-534 BTX | Profile Overview | Edit and view location buttons are displayed in the top right corner of the screen
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where buttons for editing locations appeared in the wrong place
SD2-366 Always open a new tab when navigating to another website
Acceptance Criteria
Updated preview links to open in a new tab instead of the same tab where Beatrix is open
SD2-453 Add clear "x" for all search fields in Beatrix
Acceptance Criteria
Added a clear "x" button to easily clear text from all search-based fields, instead of having to delete all the text from the field to perform another search.
SD2-466 BTX | Feeds | Fix data inconsistencies related to changing organization status
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a data issue related to organizations that change from "not live" to "live" status
SD2-467 BTX | Feeds | Fix updating inlined data
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed several issues related to content updated in Beatrix not being reflected in data feeds/on websites.
SD2-476 Events: Cannot add events prior to one year ago to the day
Acceptance Criteria
Increased the range of dates allowed when creating a new event so historical events can be added to the system.
SD2-480 Old News articles do not appear on "Suggested News" page
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a problem where unpublished news was appearing in the counts included in the daily notifications digest email
SD2-494 Administrative Positions | Replace "End Date" column with "Department"
Acceptance Criteria
Added "department" column to the administrative positions table since the title itself is often not enough information