Beatrix - 2023.04.20 Release Notes
Bug fixes
SD2-250 BTX | Media | Cover Images aren't reflected in Media Usage
SD2-316 YMS 3 | The tags from select dropdowns cannot be added and deleted in first try
SD2-566 BTX | People | 500 error can appear in specific requests to change the profile data
SD2-592 Backup clinical trial contact not working properly, at least for some trials
SD2-661 Beatrix | News | The same tag is not added to news after removing from the same news
SD2-672 BTX | Events | System Owner/Admin doesn't have access to delete/unpublish specific events occurrences
New Features
SD2-11 Add "View Live" button to items in Beatrix
SD2-496 System Owners and System Admins can access HTML source in any richtext field
SD2-598 New hover state and selected subnav state
SD2-600 Ability to download documents uploaded to media library
SD2-674 Allow for Physical Location and Virtual Location for the same event
SD2-687 Make sure auto-generated transcripts for all media library videos are set to display by default