YSM Website Content Layout Showcase

The following images provide an overview of the many different ways to display content on your YSM website.

These elements have been organized in groups to make it easier to find examples of the many variations with which components may be displayed.

Table of Contents



Homepage Banner Carousel - Up to 6 items may be included, including links to content, people, events, news and multimedia
Impact Banner content layout: this is a new layout for use on homepages and other prominent landing pages for an impactful message at the top of a page that is different from the title of the page. This will enable more creative messaging for website visitors without sacrificing the SEO benefits of clear and succinct page titles.



Text Content

Text Only

Basic Text Content with full width image

Basic Text Content with thumbnail image-right

Size and Position Options for Images on a Content component

  • Fullsize

  • Medium - Right or Left

  • Small - Right or Left

  • Thumbnail - Right or Left

  • Headshot - Right or left

See Multimedia below for Image Galleries

Specialized Content

Anchored Content Lists



Text Fragment Call Out Boxes

Contact Boxes


Quotes & Testimonials


Call to Action Banners


Call to Action banners can be full size or short; with an image overlayed by a color or a solid color. Color options include:

  • Light Grey

  • Dark Grey

  • Blue

  • Light Blue

  • Dark Blue

  • Turquoise

  • Cyan

  • Coral

  • Orange

  • Yellow

Multicolumn Content Lists

Table Styles

All tables on our sites should be set up to follow ADA standards for screenreaders. They should be used to convey data, not to format text and require a header row. Empty cells should have - or “null” to indicate that there is no data. The following styles are included in our CMS. The alignment options: Centered, align left or right, may be combined with the color variations.








Content Summaries and Lists

These displays of summary content may be used individually or in lists.

The grid display automatically adjusts to the number of items in the list and the screen width.






Podcasts & Audio Players



Image Galleries

External Content Feeds

Box Integration

Google Sheets

Pubmed Publications Feed

Beatrix Integrations



News Listings






People Listings


Search - People or Keyword Listings

This component can be used with A-Z listings or MESH keyword listings.

Publications by Organization



Clinical Trials

International Activity

Keyword Listing

Yale Medicine


Web Version of Newsletter Listings