Short URLs for Print, Social, and More

Did you know you may request a short url for any YM, YSM or YSPH webpage? 

Recommendations for use

Short URLs are recommended for use in communications such as social media posts, emails, print materials, and advertising. As the name implies, they are usually significantly shorter than the full URL and are easier for people to read, remember, and most importantly: type into their device or web browser if needed.


If the location of your webpage changes, we can update the target of your Short URL so that links sent out in past emails or included in printed materials will still work!

Short URL Domains:

Your URL will have one of the following domain prefixes: 

You may specify whatever text you’d like for the second part of the URL that appears after the domain. As long as the text follows best practices and is not already in use for another short URL, it’s yours!

Example of a custom short URL

Short URL:

Full URL: