Introduction to Beatrix CMS: Publishing

Introduction to Beatrix CMS: Publishing

Any changes you make in Beatrix CMS will not affect your site on the web until you publish. Publishing takes the latest saved versions of a page and any content item on that page and updates the information currently on your site.

The following instructions will provide information on publishing content on your website.

What You Will Learn

  • How to publish pages to the preview and/or live servers

Table of Contents

Publishing Individual Pages

When editing pages, you will most often publish from the Page view by clicking on Publish Content. The pop-up will allow you to select Preview Only, Live and Preview, or, if previously published to Preview Only, to Live Only. You will also have the option to publish now or schedule your publishing for a future date and time. (See below).



To view the page or pages you've published click on View Live Page or Preview Page. It may take a few of minutes to see your changes.

Unpublishing a page works similarly to publishing one, except that you click the Unpublish button.

  • Once a page is unpublished, it will not be deleted, but it will no longer appear in the site's navigation and the URL will be broken.

Publishing to Preview

After you've finished building or editing your site, you have the option to preview how your changes will look prior to going "live."

Each website or page can be tested on the staging server by publishing to preview and then visiting the preview URL beginning with: "preview.yale.edu...".

If you are currently looking at the live version of your site which starts with "medicine.yale.edu" in the URL, you can access the preview version of the page by replacing "medicine" in the URL with "preview".

A list of URLs for YSM websites can be found here.


The general public does not have access to the preview/staging server as it requires CAS Login.

  • If necessary, links to pages on the preview server can be sent to a colleague or supervisor for review before publishing changes to the live server which is available to the public.

Publishing Live

If you publish to the live server, whatever you selected to be published will be available for the public to see! The live server URL for your site starts with: "medicine.yale.edu..."

  • Steps for publishing to the live server are the same for publishing to preview. The exception, of course, is that you would select Live in the publishing window instead of Preview.

Whenever you publish to the live server, you should also check off and publish to Preview as well. This will prevent your preview site from becoming out of date.

Publishing Multiple Pages or Entire Sites

Navigate to the Website view of the website. Either by clicking on or the highest directory in the breadcrumbs (see red below).

From that view, use the context menu to select Publish.

The Pop-up menu will allow you to publish the child pages.


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