YSM, YM, and Signage - 2023.03.30 Release Notes
New Features
SD4-143 Suggested news on YM news articles
Acceptance Criteria
Now showing 3 related article links instead of a single related link at the bottom of each news article, with more diversity in article selection
SD4-254 YM suggested news article override
Acceptance Criteria
Added ability to override suggested news articles on the Yale Medicine website.
SD4-326 Add clickIds for tracking purposes to new suggested news elements
SD4-277 Display list of videos from YouTube playlist on YM
Acceptance Criteria
Ability to embed the first few videos of a YouTube playlist on a department page, along with a link to view the full playlist on YouTube.
SD4-287 Apply Siteimprove Analytics script to T4
Acceptance Criteria
Siteimprove analytics script is present on T4 pages.
SD4-288 Apply Siteimprove Analytics script to YM
Acceptance Criteria
Siteimprove analytics script is present on YM pages.
Bug fixes
SD4-306 Websites4 | Commenting: Reduce the size of font used for document titles in viewer listing
Acceptance Criteria
Headings for document viewers in a listing appear in smaller font, since the titles tend to be long.
SD4-342 Yale Speakers do not appear on Digital Signage event details.
Acceptance Criteria
Fixed a bug that prevented Yale speakers from appearing on signage events.
SD4-297 T4 | Document detail page | Comments section | Unable to logout
SD4-267 Websites4 | Reduce padding so that columns with very little text can be narrower than current minimum width
Acceptance Criteria
Improved allocation of space for each column on embedded Google Sheets.
SD4-328 Replace Dark Sky with Apple WeatherKit
Acceptance Criteria
Replaced Dark Sky api with Apple Weatherkit