YSM, YM, and Signage - 2023.07.14 Release Notes

YSM, YM, and Signage - 2023.07.14 Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

SD4-79 YM | T4 | Hide "Back to top" button while cookies banner is displayed

SD4-220 YM | Clinical Keyword Library: Definition Page

SD4-221 YM | Clinical Keyword Library: Related clinical keyword sections

SD4-300 YM | Clinical keyword library: Landing Page

SD4-301 YM | Clinical keyword library: Search results

SD4-353 YM | Clinical Keyword library: Site map

SD4-354 YM | Clinical Keyword library: Alphabetical ordering enhancements

SD4-536 Yale Medicine | Home Page | Pay a Bill

Acceptance Criteria

Updated YM homepage pay a bill text

SD4-359 Expose subtitle for events

SD4-495 Remove "Event Schedule" and other sessions from session details

SD4-496 Improve the "View Main Event" link for sessions

SD4-520 YM: Insert CallRail script onto every page

SD4-521 YM: Insert Microsoft Clarity script onto every page

SD4-522 YM: Add Freshpaint script and remove ALL references to Google analytics/tag manager scripts

SD4-523 T4: Insert Microsoft Clarity script onto every page of http://medicine.yale.edu and http://yalecancercenter.org domains

SD4-524 T4: Add Freshpaint script and remove ALL references to Google analytics/tag manager scripts \(except for ysph.yale.edu\)

SD4-527 Street Address missing from list of locations on YM department map with multiple locations

Bug Fixes

SD4-487 Websites - 4| All day events which last several days should be displayed with multiple days

SD4-528 YM | Single and Multi - session events which last one day all day \(the last day of the month\) display two same days

SD4-541 YM | Clinical Keywords | Firefox only | A-Z index in Firefox browser is reversed

SD4-542 YM | Clinical Keywords | Aria labels for A-Z listing are generated incorrectly

SD4-550 Body/descriptive text not appearing on YM CTAs

Acceptance Criteria

Show descriptive text in YM CTA main and side column layout.

SD4-551 YouTube thumbnails not appearing in video gallery

Acceptance Criteria

Fixed YouTube thumbnails on YM video galleries

SD4-554 T4 | Duplicated events in Freshpaint on search filters