YSM, YM, and Signage - 2023.05.25 Release Notes

YSM, YM, and Signage - 2023.05.25 Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

SD4-346 Include single Hero Media \(image, video, or audio\) in News articles on Signage website

Acceptance Criteria

Hero media displays in news articles that appear on digital signage to improve appearance and make articles that are heavily reliant on media appear relevant on signage.

SD4-415 Research Profile Listings: Need Appropriate Title/meta title

Acceptance Criteria

Added appropriate title for profile listings by research keyword.

SD4-431 Remove COVID attract screens from Signage

Acceptance Criteria

Since COVID is no longer considered a public health emergency, we have removed the COVID-specific attract screens from signage.

SD4-437 Create DOI links for Grayed out/unlinked Publications on Profiles

Acceptance Criteria

Link to DOI URL for publication in publications list if pubmed is not available. Now all publications in profiles should have links.

SD4-462 YM | Search uses wrong query parameters

Acceptance Criteria

Fixed a problem that affected the consistency of search suggestions on the http://yalemedicine.org website.

Bug fixes

SD4-339 YM | Saturday Events aren't displayed in YM calendar

SD4-417 Fix trial contact display on YM

Acceptance Criteria

To avoid confusion, show only the single most appropriate available contact on YM clinical trials pages.