External User Profiles

Table of Contents

Display non-Yale people on YSM websites

Occasionally, you may have a need to display people who would not normally be present in the YSM Profile System.

  • For example, there may be a Yale-New Haven Hospital employee who is considered a member of your team.

  • Or there could be several faculty members from other universities that your lab is working with and would like to display as collaborators on your website.

In these instances, you can use External User Profiles to create listings for non-Yale University people on your website.

External User Profiles Replace Manual Profiles

You may have noticed that it is no longer possible to create Manual Profiles in Tridion. External User Profiles have completely replaced Manual Profiles.

Please continue reading to find out how to add new and manage existing non-Yale people listed on your YSM website.


How to request an External User Profile

If you would like to create one or more new External User Profiles:

  1. Send an email to ysm.editor@yale.edu with the first and last name(s) of the people you’d like to add.

  2. Include the organization(s) to which the new users should be added (a link to the page with the listing to which you want to add people is also sufficient).

  3. Our team will create the external user(s), and add them to the appropriate organization(s). At that point you can edit and add to their profile on https://prod.admin.profile.yale.edu/.

Once an External User Profile is created, it can be edited and added to organizations in Beatrix just like any regular Yale user.

There are limited fields for External Users, for instance External Users do not have a Research or Patient Care section of their profile.