Which tabs of my profile will display?
Public profile displays can widely vary based on the information in the faculty's profile on profile.yale.edu. To generate profiles that look "complete", logic is applied to the layout. The following explains the logic that determines when the various information tabs display:
Table of Contents
This tab will always display. The following information will display in this tab:
Department and Organization Membership
Biographical description
Education and training
International activity
Honors and recognition
Professional Service
Click the link below to learn more about Organization-Specific Biographies:
Research and Publications
At least one of the following fields must be filled out for this tab to display:
Research interests
Mesh Keywords
Public Health Keywords
Research summary
Extensive description
Current projects
Patient Care
At least one of the following conditions must be met for this tab to display:
User is associated with a clinical trial.
At least one of the following fields is filled out in the profile system:
Physician Bio
"Do you see patients?" set to yes.
"Accepting new patients?" set to yes or inpatient consults only
"Accepts referrals?" set to anything but "Not Applicable"
Any age group of patients seen selected.
Mesh patient care keywords
Cancers Treated
If any addresses aside from a mailing address are associated with the profile and set to display publicly, this tab will appear and display a map of those locations.
For more information about Managing People Locations, visit the instructions below:
If a user has any news items, the news tab will appear and display the user's news articles. If the user has more than 8 articles, the news tab will link out to a separate page where all of the user's news articles can be found.