
Beatrix allows you to manage various types of information associated with a person’s profile. The following instructions will explain how to manage and edit the Grants associated with a person in their profile.

The Grants page allows you to add past, active, and pending grants to Beatrix for use with the CV Builder tool, where you can quickly generate a Yale-formatted CV based on your latest web profile data.

At this time, Grants are only used for CV management in Beatrix. They will not appear on your public Yale website profile.

To begin managing the Grants for a profile:

  1. Visit

  2. Log in with your NetID and password

  3. Click Profiles in the navigation at the top of the page.

  4. Find and select the profile you want to edit (see for more information).

  5. Click the Grants button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

Reviewing Imported Grants

Grants are imported from, the same source of data for the publications that are automatically associated with Yale profiles. The data imported from Dimensions is largely accurate, but not perfect, so we ask that you review and approve these grants before they are associated with your profile and will appear in your CV.


  1. The “Pending” tab on your Grants page displays any grant that has been imported but needs to be reviewed.

  2. For each grant in the list, click the green “check” icon to approve or the red “slash” icon to reject.

    1. Approved grants will automatically appear on your CV when regenerated using CV Builder.

    2. Rejected grants will be moved to the “Rejected” tab and be ignored when building your CV.

    3. Don’t worry – if you accidentally reject/accept a grant, you can fix it by visiting the “Rejected” or ”Accepted” tab and correcting the value in the “Status” column.

Adding a new Grant manually will only ever have publicly available data about grants, so we cannot import all of the grants a person might be participating in.

To add a new Grant that is not available via and was not automatically imported to your profile, click Manually add a grant, highlighted below in yellow:


Once you click Add New, the Add Grant modal will appear:



You are required to add the following information about the Grant:

  1. Title: Enter the Title of the grant.

  2. ID: Enter the unique identifier for the grant.

  3. Source: Use the radio buttons to choose whether the source of the grant is Yale University or Non Yale University

  4. Percentage Effort: Enter your percentage effort for the grant.

    • If this is not relevant, click the check box next to Not Applicable

  5. Role: Type in your role on the grant and choose from the suggested options.

    • Depending on your choice, the additional information required will change.

    • For example, if you choose Principal Investigator, you will be asked to identify any additional Principal Investigators.

    • If you do not choose Principal Ivestigator, you will be required to identify the Principal Investigator.

  6. Currency: you must select the currency that the grant was awarded in.

  7. Total Costs: Identify the cost of the grant and the currency type.

    • Use the drop down menu to identify the Currency of the grant.

    • Enter the Total costs for project period of the grant.

    • Enter the Direct costs per year of the grant.

  8. Project Dates: Identify the Start and End Dates for the grant.

    • If the Start and End Dates are both in the past, the Status of the grant will change to Past.

    • If the Start Date is in the past and the End Date is in the future, the Status of the grant will change to Current.

    • If the Start and End Dates are both in the future, the Status of the grant will change to Pending.

    • Use the check box next to Cost Extension if applicable and provide a Date.

  9. Lead Sponsor Agency: Enter the name of the agency that is the Lead Sponsor of the grant.

When you have entered all the required information, click Add at the bottom of the page, and you will be taken back to the Grants page.


Once back on the Grants page, you will notice that the grants are automatically sorted by Start Date.

You can edit any grant by clicking on the the grant’s row in the table.