YM: Clinical Content Mapping (CCM)

YM: Clinical Content Mapping (CCM)

The http://YaleMedicine.org website uses the custom Clinical Content Mapping (CCM) AI algorithm to associate news articles and factsheets with programs and clinicians. The algorithm primarily analyzes medical billing data to reveal patterns in clinicians' servicers. By adjusting for differences in the volume of activities and areas of specialization, it balances comparisons among clinicians to prioritize which clinicians are displayed. The tool’s sophisticated calculations are used to identify outliers and distinctive behaviors that help in associate specialists with clinical procedures and topics that are featured on the website.

In addition, the algorithm takes into account the clinical keywords on the factsheet or news article, as will as the patient care speciality defined in the providers profile.

We do have a tool to suppress individuals from clinical keyword specialists listings. Please note that because these relationships appear all across the site it may be a while before every instance of the relationship clears out of the website cache.

Also, while we do not have any kind of UI to manage the specific keywords a specialist is related to, you (and the specialists themselves) have the access to suppress specific articles from being associated with their profile if they are not appropriate. You can review the list of YM News and Fact Sheet articles a specialist is associated with on the “Patient Care” section of their profile: