Organization-Specific Biographies

Organization-Specific Biographies

Table of Contents

Add Custom User Biographies that are Specific to an Organization

When organization-specific biographies are used, instead of linking directly to profiles, people listings will link to a page featuring the person's custom bio for that org, their headshot, and a link to their full profile. (shown below)


Example of an organization-specific biography.


People listings can be used to display information about each member of your organization on a page of your Tridion site.

Generally, the information used for these listings comes from the information that faculty, staff, and their profile editors add to their individual profiles.

  • This includes contact information, research and patient care interests, and biographies.

However, in certain cases, you may want to add a biography to a listing that is specific to a single organization or website, rather than a general description of a person's role at YSM. You can solve this problem using organization-specific biographies.

Instructions to set up organization-specific biographies

  1. First, enable custom bios in Beatrix.

    • Browse to the organization you'd like to use them for.

    • In the Website section of the Overview page check the box for Include custom member bios and titles specifically for this organization (Figure A below)

  2. Click the Members & Leaders item in the left navigation of Beatrix. Here you can edit the organization-specific biographies for each member of the organization.

  3. To add or edit an organization-specific biography, click on the profile on the Members & Leaders page (Figure B below)

  4. In the Edit Organization Member modal that appears (Figure C below), you can add an organization-specific biography and title to the profile, which will only display where this specific organization membership displays on YSM or YSPH websites.

  5. Click Save to save the biography and title edits.


Figure A: You can enable organization-specific biographies for an organization by checking off this option in the Website section of the Overview page of an organization.


Figure B: Organization admins can edit all the organization-specific biographies for orgs they manage via the Members & Leaders page.


Figure C: Adding an organization-specific title and/or biography in the Edit Organization Member modal on the Members & Leaders page.

Displaying the organization-specific biographies on a YSM or YSPH website

Organization-specific biographies need to be turned on to display in Tridion. If you would like a new or existing listing on YSM or YSPH sites to display organization-specific biographies, please reach out to the Web Services team by emailing ysm.editor@yale.edu or making a ticket with our portal.

Editing organization-specific biographies on your profile

Organization-specific biographies associated with a profile are displayed on the Biography page in the People section of Beatrix.

If you would like to edit an organization-specific biography that is appearing on a profile, please use the Request Edit button (shown below) to submit a request with the Web Services team.

Use the Request Edit button to submit a request to edit an org-specific biography to the Web Services team.


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