Criteria for Organization Admins in the Profile System

Criteria for Organization Admins in the Profile System

In thinking who in your organization is best suited to manage membership lists, location information, phone numbers, and other critical information stored in profile.yale.edu, we’ve put together some high-level points to consider.

The Organization Admin is responsible for managing:

  1. Members and leaders lists (YSM and YM)

  2. Phone numbers and locations

Other possible responsibilities:

There are other elements of the organization’s information that the Organization Admin can manage, or it can be delegated to others with different permissions. These include:

  1. Managing News: The organization admin has the power to add news articles and approve/reject news articles that others suggest to the organization. However, the responsibility can be delegated to another person with “News” permissions.

  2. Managing Events: The organization admin has the power to add events and approve/reject events that others suggest to the organization. However, the responsibility can be delegated to another person with “Calendar” permissions.

In an ideal world, the person responsible would have:

  • Technical knowledge or ability to work with technical systems such as Workday, MyTime or other Yale tools.

  • A role within department this is privy to specific faculty information at a high level.

    • For example, the organization admin should know all faculty in the department, not just faculty in a section or program of the larger department.

    • The person should have an understanding of the department’s faculty leadership and administrative responsibilities (i.e. Section Chief, Co-Director, etc.)

  • An understanding of the differences between Yale School of Medicine (YSM) and its academic websites and YaleMedicine.org (YM), the school’s clinical practice.

    • They should know if a faculty member should or should not be displaying on YaleMedicine.org, or know how to contact to maintain this information.

    • They must know both academic and patient care locations for faculty, or have direct access to accurate information source.

  • An understanding of terms like “import” and “system of record”

    • For example, they must have the ability to distinguish between information that is imported from other Yale systems vs. manually added and editable by faculty and staff.

Other Great Qualities

  • Confidence in their abilities. There is great power within the system and they must not be afraid to use the system to make updates.

  • Patience

  • Ability to differentiate Alphabetizing vs. Custom Ordering/Ranking

  • Accountability - (It’s okay if you make a mistake! It’s important to be responsible for your work and to learn from it. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.)

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