Signage Configuration Options

Signage Configuration Options

If your organization installs Digital Signage, it will pull and display data from various tools and web applications including the News System, YSM Calendar, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. However, the settings for the touchscreen itself are managed in Tridion using a signage schema component.

Please see the table below for an explanation of each field in the signage schema and how each setting affects the touchscreen display.

Digital Signage Schema Options


Input Options



Input Options


General Screen Configurations (Sets up Digital Signage parameters)

Parent Organization

Yale School of Medicine

Yale School of Public Health

Yale Cancer Center

Updates the word-mark and logos published on the signage to reflect the appropriate organization.

Signage Location Name

Free text

Enter the location name in this field if you want to identify the specific office where the signage is located (e.g. Office of Education or Sterling Hall of Medicine).

Do you want the screen to rotate to different modules every few minutes?


If set to Yes the digital signage will switch to different modules (i.e., Multimedia, followed by News, followed by the Calendar) every few minutes. If set to No it will remain on the default screen. Yesmaximizes the appearance of the signage and calls viewers' attention.

Select the period of inactivity (in minutes) before the Digital Signage rotates modules or returns to the default module.


Sets the inactivity time in minutes for screen rotation or before the screen returns to the default module.

Set the Default Module

Digital Signage

Sets the module for the Digital Signage default screen. If module rotation is set to No the signage will return to the default module after a few minutes of inactivity.

Physical Location of the screen

Latitude and Longitude coordinates

Used for mapping directions to be displayed for available mapped data. Latitude and Longitude can be found here: https://www.latlong.net//

Happening Now Module

Select 2-4 modules to display on the “Happening Now” page


Sets which columns will display on the “Happening Now” screen. You can select as few as two or as many as five modules. We recommend selecting no more than four modules.

Number of items to display in each module


Determines the number of items to display in each section of the “Happening Now” page.

Social Media Module

Social Media Source


Enter the alias of the Facebook or Twitter pages you want to display (e.g., if your Facebook account is https://www.facebook.com/YSMWeb, enter YSMWeb). Only enter one account per field.

Account Handle or Name

Facebook or Twitter alias.

Click the green + sign to insert additional Twitter or Facebook account.

Enter the alias of the Facebook or Twitter pages you want to display (e.g., if your Facebook account is https://www.facebook.com/YSMWeb, enter YSMWeb). Only enter one account per field. You must first register your Twitter account with the YSM app. For more information, visit the Twitter Instruction page. If you've already registered your Twitter account, you do not need to do this again.

Multimedia Module (Multiple modules can be added by clicking the green + sign)

tridion Gallery

Tridion components, including: List, Image, Media Library, or YouTube/Vimeo

Insert a Tridion component by clicking on the yellow folder. For galleries of images or videos, insert a List component. Single image, Media Library or YouTube/Vimeo components can also be added but must use the respective Tridion component (e.g. "YouTube and Vimeo", "Media Library" or "Image". These operate exactly like the components you create to put on a page on your website.

External gallery URL

URL of external (non-Yale hosted) gallery.

If you want to display multimedia content that is not stored in Tridion or the Media Gallery, such as a YouTube channel, insert the full URL of the external gallery (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/user/YaleUniversity).



Identifies the date the item was published. This is not required.

News Module

OrgID for organization-specific news

OrgID (Number)

Insert the Profile System OrgID for any news to display that has been tagged with the respective organization.

Enter keywords (one on each row) to limit news to specific keywords

Keyword IDs (number, one per line)

(you can add multiple keywords by clicking the green + sign to add more)

You can limit the type of news displayed on the Flyerboard by adding keyword IDs. Note, these must be the Keyword IDs (not the actual Keyword), which can be found http://yale-faculty.photobooks.com/organization/xmlFeed.asp?orgID=OrgIDNUMBER

Article to override article in the main news slot

Article ID (number)

Inserting an Article ID will show the respective article in the main news slot on the News page. Otherwise, the most recent article will display in the top slot.

Announcements Module

OrgID for Announcements

OrgID (Number)

"Announcements" is another type of view to display articles from the News System. Insert the Profile System OrgID for the organization’s news you want to use for Announcements (i.e.,109631).

Keyword ID for announcements

Keyword ID (Number)

Insert the Keyword ID for the news system tag you want to use for “announcements.” Note, these must be a Keyword ID (not the actual Keyword), which can be found http://yale-faculty.photobooks.com/organization/xmlFeed.asp?orgID=OrgIDNUMBER

Digital Signage Module (cork board module)

Digital Signage calendar alias to be used

Free text (one per line)

(you can add multiple calendars by clicking the + to add more)

Determines which flyers will appear in the Digital Signage module. In most cases, this will be the same as the calendar module.

Enter the calendar alias from tools.medicine.yale.edu. For example, if calendar is located at https://medicine.yale.edu/web/support/applications/, the alias is “psychiatry.”

If left blank, the signage will display flyers from the main School of Medicine calendar.

Calendar Module

Calendar Module pulls in events from tools.medicine.yale.edu

Free text (one per line)

(you can add multiple calendars by clicking the + to add more)

Determines which events will appear in the Calendar module. In most cases, this will be the same as the calendar module.

Enter the calendar alias from tools.medicine.yale.edu. For example, if calendar is located at https://medicine.yale.edu/web/support/applications/, the alias is “psychiatry.”

If left blank, the signage will display events from the main School of Medicine calendar.

People Module

People Search: OrgID(s)

OrgID (Number)

Enter the OrgID for your organization (can be found in the Profile System). This will be used for the people search functionality. To enter multiple Orgs, separate each OrgID with a comma.

People Search: Search single organization or search child organizations?


Select OrgID to search the single organization. Select treeOrgID to search the organization and all of its children.

People Search: searchType


This sets which fields are searched in the Profile System.

N = name fields only
A = all fields in the system
P = patient care fields
R = research fields
YMG = YMG-related fields (patient care plus languages and name)
MedFac = a combination of patient care and research fields

People Search: What is the person search type?


Select the person classification to search. If set to Faculty or Staff, only people with those Yale designations will be searched and returned.

People Search: Limit to those people credentialed by YMG


If set to Yes, only those people credentialed by YMG in the organization identified in the OrgID field will be searched and displayed.

Org information for List by Location: OrgID

Free text

Enter the OrgID used to show locations.

Org information for List by Location: Search single organization or search child organizations?


Select OrgID to display locations for the single organization listed in the OrgID field above. Select treeOrgID to display the locations for the organization and all of its children.

Parent OrgID used to generate the "List by Organization" page

Free text

Enter the main OrgID to be used to generate the list of organizations associated with your group.

International Activity Module

OrgID for International Activity

Free text

Enter the OrgID to be used to display international activity.


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