Custom Attract Screens: Previewing their Appearance

Custom Attract Screens: Previewing their Appearance

It is currently cumbersome to preview custom attract screens generated in Beatrix. We hope to streamline this process in the near future.

In the meantime, you can quickly view on your desktop an approximation of what an attract screen will look like by:

  1. Follow the usual steps to create an attract screen.

  2. Once you have published the screen, open the following URL, which will show a randomly selected active Enterprise Wide attract screen. The screen you published should start appearing on this site within 3 minutes: https://signage.medicine.yale.edu/111/attractscreen/custom

    1. Contact ysm.editor@yale.edu to get a URL to view attract screens for specific location/department’s YSM Digital Signage site.

  3. If you don’t see the screen you’re trying to preview, click the “Refresh” button in the bottom right. Another active and published screen will appear at random. Unfortunately, this means if there are multiple active screens, you may have to click the button several times before you see the screen you want to preview.

    1. Note that this Refresh button will NOT actually appear on the signage touchscreens that people see and interact with, it is only present at this special URL to preview attract screens.

    2. Also note that these messages are meant to appear on large, 4K screens, so items may look squished when you preview on your own screen. Especially if you normally use the “zoom in” feature in your browser to make things appear larger.

  4. If you spot anything wrong with the screen, return to Beatrix to unpublish it. If you can’t address the issue on your own, contact ysm.editor@yale.edu for help.