Faculty Profile Release: Frequently Asked Questions
Justin Fansler
Denise Meyer
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Contact your department’s academic affairs or business office to correct your academic title in Workday. Once changed there, it will update in Beatrix and your public profile within 24 hours.
To update your administrative titles:
login to Beatrix.yale.edu
navigate to the Career tab in your profile
Scroll down to Administrative Positions
Add your administrative positions. You can sort them by dragging them into a new position. Make sure you toggle them to be “public” so that they appear on your web profile
There are two possible reasons:
We connect with Dimensions.ai to automatically pull publications for faculty. However, if we’ve not yet connected your profile, you may be missing publications. Please check at https://beatrix.yale.edu/publications by scrolling to the Import Settings section at the bottom of the page. If it’s empty, please email ysm.editor@yale.edu a copy of your CV and they’ll make the connection. If we’ve already contacted you and you’ve uploaded your CV to the Qualtrics survey, you don’t need to send it again – we’re going to update profiles over the next few weeks.
If your profile is importing publications, please visit https://beatrix.yale.edu/publications and check two things:
a. In the “Accepted” tab, make sure your publications’ privacy flag is toggled to public:
Private and will not display on your web profile: |
| Public and will display on your web profile: |
b . If you have publications in the “Pending” tab, review and accept them. This will add them to your public web profile. Note: please make sure to categorize them correctly. They are imported as “Peer Reviewed Research”. We’re working on automating the categorization in the coming months.
The http://Dimensions.ai import includes all types of publications, including abstracts. Please review your “Accepted” publications, update the category where necessary. Please do not reject these abstracts, as they will not display with your publications if correctly categorized as abstracts. They will be used when you build a CV.
We use the service http://Dimensions.ai to import your publications. This tool disambiguates authors and uses AI to create a collection of your publications from multiple sources, including PubMed. We import them daily. More information is available on the Dimensions website.
If there are a few that are not yours, reject them in https://beatrix.yale.edu/publications by selecting the publication and change it’s status to “Rejected”
If there are many that are not yours, we’ve likely connected your profile to the wrong Dimensions profile. Please email ysm.editor@yale.edu with your CV and we’ll correct the import.
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