Managing Publications for an Organization

Managing Publications for an Organization

Every organization present in Beatrix has a Publications tab. But in order to make use of this feature, it must be enabled for your organization. If your organization’s publication page looks like the following, it means it’s not enabled! Click the button or contact ysm.editor@yale.edu if you’re interested in starting to use this feature!


Organization Publications page when the feature is not enabled.

Table of Contents

How it works

Organization Publications are entirely derived from the publications approved by individual members of the organization. There are two ways you can choose to manage these publications:

  1. Include all publications: one option is to simply pool together ALL publications approved by any member of the organization to appear in the publications list for an organization. This is the recommended solution for very large organizations that have many members, and it’s not realistic for someone to manually curate a list of publications for the organization, for example: the Department of Internal Medicine, or Yale School of Medicine.

  2. Manually approve publications: this is the recommended solution for smaller organizations, where it is a less time-consuming task to review publications as they are imported from Dimensions for the organization’s members

All Publications

If the organization decides to include all the publications accepted to its members' profiles, all of the publications will automatically be imported to the org-based publications list.

You can visit the list for reporting purposes or to choose publications to feature on the website.

The interface for an organization accepting all publications looks like this:


The interface for managing organization publications, using the all publications option.

All of the publications for an organization’s membership will be automatically imported into this table. Users have several options for managing the list, making changes, and creating reports.

  1. You can filter the list of publications by clicking the filter icons next to to table column headers or opening the Add Filters menu (blue above).

  2. If you’d like to make bulk changes to publication categories, you can select individual publications or all publications on the page with the check boxes to the left of the table (green above).

  3. Publications can be featured using the star icon to the right of each publication (yellow above). If you feature publications, they will also appear in the Featured list.

  4. You can create .csv reports of the publications list by clicking Download table (red above). The table will show the list of publications appearing in the current list, and will apply the active filters as well.

Manually Approve Publications

If the organization decides to manually manage the publications accepted to its organization list, all of the publications accepted to member profiles will be imported to a pending queue in the org-based publications list.

This publications list has all the features of the all publications version, but it allows you to control which publications display on the website listing and which do not:

All of the publications for an organization’s membership will be automatically imported into the Pending queue. Users have several options for managing the list, making changes, and creating reports.

  1. The tabs near the top of the page (blue above) allow users to view the different lists of publications

    1. The Pending tab is a queue of imported publications from members. They will not display on the site until they are processed (see #2 below).

    2. The Displayed tab shows the publications that have been accepted to the organization list.

    3. The Featured tab shows publications that have been accepted and featured, they will appear at the top of the organization list on the website.

    4. The Hidden tab shows the publications that have been rejected from the Pending queue (see #2 below)

    5. The All Publications tab shows all the member publications for the organization, not matter their status.

  2. In the Pending tab, publications can be either accepted (Displayed) or rejected (Hidden) on the organization list. You can do that by clicking the green check to display the publication or the red reject icon to hide the publication (yellow above).

  3. You can complete this process in bulk using the check boxes next to the publications or the “select all” check box at the top left of the table (green above). The select all will only select all the publications shown on the current page.

    • Once you select multiple publications, you can display or hide them in bulk buy choosing the option from the “status” menu that appears (shown below)

The rest of the interface is the same as the All Publications option.

Publications Resync

For both the all publications option and the manual approval option, users can resync the organization list with member publications (shown below)

This list should be updated automatically but you can trigger a manual sync. It might take up to several minutes for large organizations.

If you just enabled the Organization Publications feature for the organization, please wait until the initial sync is completed. Several parallel syncs might lead to unexpected results.


Organization Publications on the Website

If you have asked the Web Services team to enable organization publications, completed managing/reviewing your list, and want the list to be displayed on the website, please reach out to ysm.editor@yale.edu or reply to an existing ticket if one is open and we will provide support.

Org-based publications can be added to any page, but we recommend having the list on its own page, especially for long lists of publications.

If you choose the all publications option, this list will automatically update on the live website when new publications are added to members profiles. If you choose to manually approve the list, you will have to go into Beatrix and process the pending queue in order for new publications to appear on these lists.

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