Creating a People Listing in Tridion

All YSM sites are required to utilize the Profile System when adding listings of faculty members. Using the profile system ensures that any update made to a faculty or staff member's profile will appear on all YSM sites.

  • In addition, the membership lists of main YSM departments and sections in the profile system update automatically based on YSM HR systems.

For information about editing individual profiles or organizations in the Profile System, please see and sections of instructions.


The following instructions provide information on creating People Listings in Tridion using Profile System data.


Table of Contents


Creating the People Listing Component

The first step in creating a People Listing is to create a People Listing component.

Click New Component (blue) to begin creating a People Listing component.


In the Building Blocks folder of your respective website, click New Component (highlighted in blue above) in the Create tab (highlighted in yellow above) of the navigation bar.

You will be taken to a new page for creating the component (shown below):


Creating a People Listing component.


There are many required fields as well as options for what information from the profiles you want to display in the listing:

  1. Enter an appropriate Name for your component.

  2. Choose People Listing from the Schema drop down menu (highlighted in yellow above).

  3. Title for the listing: Enter the Title you want to appear above the listing.

  4. Organization ID: Enter the appropriate 6-digit organization ID from the profile system; this determines which faculty listing will display.

    • You can find an Organization ID in the profile system.

      • Click on the Organizations tab in the top navigation.

      • Find the organization in the list or use the Filter field to narrow the list.

      • Click the pencil/edit icon to the right of the organization.

      • You can find the ID under Organization ID in the top-right corner of the Information section.

    • You can enter more than one organization, separated by a comma.

      • The order you enter the organizations will determine the order they are sorted in if you choose to sort them manually later in the component information (the default is alphabetical sorting).

      • Using multiple organizations is especially relevant when using the and templates.

  5. Display people with these job codes in WorkDay:

    • You can use these check-boxes to determine specifically what types of profiles you want to display in the listing.

    • If you do not choose any, all types of profiles will display.

  6. Show Thumbnails: Check if you want headshot thumbnails to display next to each faculty member in the list.

    • These pictures are pulled directly from the Faculty Profile System.

  7. Show leadership at the top of listing views: Check this option box to display the leaders of the chosen organization at the top of the listing, with their leadership title shown.

    • This will display information entered into the Leadership section of an organization's Details page in the profile system.

  8. Show Academic and Business Titles, Research Interests, YSPH Keywords, Contact Info, Education Info, and Biography: Select any of these check-boxes to determine which information you want presented.

    • Not all layouts will be able to display this information.

    • All this information comes from the Profile System.

  9. Use organization-specific titles and bios: Select this check-box if you want to display organization-specific bios.

    • For more information on organization-specific bios, visit these instructions:

  10. When using multiple orgs, sort manually: If you entered more that one organization in the Organization ID field above, select this check-box if you want to sort organizations manually.

    • The default is alphabetical sorting.

    • If you check this box, the organizations will be sorted in the order you entered them.

  11. Leadership Title: This is only relevant for the template.

    • Enter the text that you want to appear as the title for the top section of the listing that highlights the Leadership.

  12. Members Title: This is only relevant for the template.

    • Enter the text that you want to appear as the title for the bottom section of the listing, below the highlighted Leadership section.

  13. Faculty per page: Use the drop down menu to choose how many profiles are displayed per page.

When you are satisfied with your information, Save and Close the component (highlighted in blue above), and you are ready to add it to a page.


Adding the People Listing Component to a Page

After creating the People Listing component, you can add the component to a page.

  1. Navigate in the Root folder to the page you'd like to add a People Listing to and double-click to open the page.

  2. In the window that opens, click the Component Presentations tab.

  3. Click Insert at the bottom left of the page window.

  4. Browse to the People Listing component you created and click to select it.

  5. From the Component Template dropdown, select one of the following templates (visit the linked pages for examples):

      • This layout view displays the faculty members in two columns with the selected biography to the right.

      • Use this view to display a moderate amount of biographical information about each faculty member.

      • This layout view displays the faculty members in two columns with the selected biography to the right, with smaller pictures.

      • Use this view to display a moderate amount of biographical information about each faculty member.

      • This layout view displays the faculty members in three columns with the selected biography underneath.

      • Use this view to display a moderate amount of biographical information about each faculty member.

      • This layout view displays the faculty members by name in an alphabetical list.

      • Use this view for very large department listings.

      • This layout view displays the faculty members listed by department.

      • Use this view for large faculty listings containing members from several departments.

      • This layout view displays the faculty members in a one column grid.

      • Use this view for residency programs, or for departments with a moderate number of faculty members.

      • This layout view displays the faculty members listed as "leaders" in the profile system above any other members of the organization.

      • This layout view displays only the faculty members listed as "leaders" in the profile system.

  6. Click the Insert button at the bottom right, then the Close button.

  7. Save and Close the page, then you are ready to publish.