Event Content

Event Content

After starting to create your event in Beatrix with the Event Information tab, the next step is to provide additional information about the event.

The sections that make up the Event Content allow you to add more specificity to your event listing. This includes information about the Event Type, Audience, Admission Requirements, Location, and even Food!

For step-by-step instructions on creating events specified by event type, visit our support documents here:

Single Event: Step-by-Step

Recurring Event: Step-by-Step

Multi-Session Event: Step-by-Step

Table of Contents


Designating an RSVP Contact and URL

The RSVP section of the Event Editor.

If your event requires an RSVP, you can designate both an RSVP URL for participants, and/or an RSVP Contact – someone who should be notified when attendees RSVP. There are 4 options for an RSVP Contact:

  1. None

    • If no RSVP Contact is necessary, keep this default option selected.

  2. Event Contact

    • If the RSVP Contact is the same as one of the people added as a Contact in the Event Information section, choose this option and click Select for the person who should be added as the RSVP Contact.

  3. External Person

    • If the RSVP Contact is a person external to Yale who does not have a Beatrix profile, choose this option and add the relevant name, email, and contact information.

  4. Yale Person

    • If the RSVP Contact is a Yale person who has a Beatrix profile, choose this option and use the search bar to find and add the profile.


Assigning an Event Location

To add an event location, use the Location section. Event Locations can be categorized in the following way:

  • None

  • Yale Location

    • Enter and choose from the resulting dropdown the name of the campus building, and enter any additional information in the areas provided.

  • Non-Yale Location

    • Begin typing the street address of the desired location, and fill out any necessary additional information in the areas provided.

  • Virtual Location

    • Use the Description field to input any information about how participants should access the meeting.


General Information

Adding an Event Type

Event Types function like keywords and allow users to filter events based on what type of event they are.

  • Click Add New... to begin selecting Event Types

  • Choose one or more of the most appropriate Event Types from the dropdown list that describes the nature of your event.

Establishing Event Audience

You can define the audience for your event using the Event Audience feature. The following are the choices

  • Everyone (Public): a public event

  • Organization Only: an event that is restricted to the host organization

  • School Only: an event that is restricted to the school

  • Yale User: an Event that is restricted to any Yale User

  • Restricted: an event that is for a Restricted audience


If your event has specific admissions requirements, these can be added in the Cost field.

  • First, select the Admission Type with the radio buttons (options below)

    • Free

    • Admission Fee

  • Enter any specific admission details in the text box to the right.

For example, you might have a free event for Yale students, so you may put Free and then in the text box enter "Yale ID Required for Admission."


You can add a description of your event to the Description field.



This section allows you to specify to attendees what type of refreshments you will have. You can select Refreshment Types by selecting the relevant options. You can also provide additional information.

  • For example: you could specify you were serving Cocktails and then add as Additional Information “Non-Alcoholic Options Provided.”


The next step in the process of adding an event to the calendar is Related Materials, instructions for which can be found here:

Related Materials