Multi-Session Event: Step-by-Step

Multi-Session Event: Step-by-Step

When you first create a new calendar event you will be prompted to create a Single, Recurring, or Multi-Session event.

  • A “Single” event is an event that only occurs once.

  • A “Recurring” event is an event that will occur on a regular schedule, such as a weekly staff meeting, or monthly speaking engagement.

  • A “Multi-session” event is a single event that may span for one or more days and consists of shorter “sub-events” or sessions, for instance a conference or retreat.

This document is a step-by-step guide to adding a Multi-Session event to the Calendar.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Event Information Section

Fields with astericks are required.


  1. Select Multi-Session Event in the Choose Event Type section for a single event (yellow above).

  2. In the Event Title field, input the name of your event (blue above).

  3. For your Event Status, use the dropdown to let attendees know if your event is Confirmed, Tentative, or Cancelled.

  4. In Start Date and Time fields, choose when your event will start.

    • Select All-Day Event if your event lasts all day

  5. In the End Date and Time field, input at what time your event will conclude.

  6. To designate an Event Contact, click the Add New button in the Contacts section (red above).

  7. Once you’ve designated your contact, click Add to add them as a contact for your event.

Once you have inputted this information, click Continue at the bottom of the page.

The RSVP, Location, General Information, Refreshments, Media and Related Materials work as they do in a a single event.

For more information on this section, visit the Event Information instructions.


Step 2: Event Details

Use the arrow keys (Yellow above) to open the data entry fields.


The starred fields are required.


  1. If attendees are required to RSVP, you can add the RSVP URL in the RSVP URL field.

    • You may want to designate someone who can receive the RSVPs to your event in the RSVP Contact field.

  2. In the Location field, specify the type of location and the details. The required fields have astericks and vary depending on the type of location, e.g. Yale, virtual or Non-Yale (off campus). If you need more information on assigning an event location, please read these instructions: Event Content | Assigning an Event Location.

  3. In the General Information field select:

    1. Event type

    2. In the Audience field, use the dropdown to select who is welcome to attend this event.

    3. Please see ourEvent Content | Establishing Event Audience instructions for more information about what each audience option means.

    4. Specify whether the event is Free or there is an Admission fee in the Cost section.

    5. Add an overall description of your multisession event to the Description field.

  4. In the Refreshments field, indicate the food that will be served at your event, and any subsequent notes about the selection, if applicable.

  5. In the Media section, add an event thumbnail, flyer, and additional medial such as audio and video files.

Use this feature to post event listings on web pages with the session videos after the fact for calendars of past events.


Step 3: Related Materials Section

Data entry fields for related materials.

These materials are not required, but they are helpful.

The related materials section allows you to add supplementary materials to your event for the benefit of your attendees. These items are optional, but providing them can give you an extra opportunity to both advertise your event and prepare attendees for your event.

  1. To add a thumbnail or flyer for your event, drag and drop the file you would like into the Thumbnail Image or Flyer section.

  2. To add related links pertaining to your event, click Add New, and input both the full URL and the display title for the link.

  3. To add a related document for your event, you will be prompted to add your file to the Media Library and then can add it to your event. You may want to add a powerpoint presentation or article here.

  4. To add Related News click Add New, and use the available filters and search to add the desired news article from Beatrix to your event, such as a feature story about it or related research.

For more information on this section, visit the Related Materials instructions.

 Step 4: Event Sessions

This section allows you to a schedule for multi-event sessions such as conferernces.


The Event Sessions section allows you to add single sessions in a Multi-Session Event.

  1. Click Add New Session and add the Session Title, Sub-Title (optional), Slug (for the URL), date/time.

  2. Click the Disable Add to Calendar function on Websites if you only want the main event to display on calendars. Use the Break/Recreation Session as appropriate. (see green below).

  3. The most important step is determining the session’s time.

Only limited data from the sessions are actually displayed, the data for the full Multi-Session Event takes precedence.


For more information on this section, visit the Editing Sessions instructions.

Step 5: People & Calendars Section

The People & Calendars tab allows you to tag Speakers, Hosts, Organizations, and Calendars to your Event.


  1. Choose whether your event will be Public or Private in the Event Sharing section (yellow above).

  2. You can add Keywords to your event so that people can find articles related to your event (blue above). Private keywords may be needed to display the event on some thematic calendars.

  3. Use the Add New Speaker button in the Speakers section to add any speakers that may be coming to your event.

  4. Use the Add New button in the Hosts section to add any internal or external hosts for your event.

  5. Use the Add New button in the Host Organizations section to add any host organizations for your event.

  6. Use the Add to Your Calendars, Popular Calendar, and Suggest to Calendar sections to suggest your event to Calendars throughout the system.

  7. The Approval Status sections shows you the Status of both your Recommended Calendars and Explicitly Suggested Calendars.

If an event is sponsored by several departments, groups or sections, please coordinate the listing of the event with the other sponsor(s) to prevent it from being listed twice. If you are the listing department, please be sure to check off all groups that the other sponsors want included as well.


For more information on this section, visit the People & Calendars instructions.


Step 6: Publish Section

Buttons to Preview and Publish Event



  1. When you are finished editing the instance of your event, navigate to the Publish section, and click the Preview Event button.

  2. To Publish your event, select the yellow Publish button.

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