Event Information
The first step of creating an event is the Event Info
Once you have started creating an event by clicking Submit an Event
in the Calendar section of the Profile System, you will be taken to the Event Info tab, the first step in the process of creating a Calendar Event.
The Event Info tab helps designate the introductory information for your event, such as Event Title, Time, and Contacts. It also lets you determine frequency of your event, and privacy of the event posting, as detailed below. Click the following links to jump to detailed instructions on each section of the Event Info tab:
Table of Contents
Choosing Your Event Type
You can designate your event as a Single, Multi-Session, or Recurring event.
A Single event is an event that only occurs one time – for example, a special event or reception.
A Recurring event is an event that will occur on a regular schedule, such as a departmental grand rounds, weekly staff meeting, or monthly office-hosted social event or speaking engagement.
A Multi-session event is a single event that may span for one or more days and consists of shorter “sub-events” or sessions, for instance a conference or retreat.
Choose your event type with the radio buttons (blue).
Indicate Single Event
using the left adjacent radio button to designate an event as a Single event, and proceed to the next section (below) to determine the beginning and end times for your event.
Indicate Recurring Event
using the center adjacent radio button (above) to designate an event as Recurring
Indicate Multi-Session Event
using the right adjacent radio button to designate an event as Multi-Session.
For step-by-step instructions on creating events specified by event type, visit our support documents here:
Event Info: Single or Multi-Session Event
The Event Info tab is the same for a Single or Multi Session event, but for the following example, we have selected Single Event
which will bring up the section below:
Selecting Single Event
or Multi-Session Event
will bring up the section above with information to fill out.
For a Single or Multi-Session Event, all of the fields are required.
Event Title: Type in a name for your event.
Event Status: Use the dropdown to let attendees know which of the following status options applies:
Slug: Create a unique slug used for the url for promoting this event.
In Start Date and Time fields, choose when your event will start.
All-Day Event
if your event lasts all day
In the End Date and Time field, input at what time your event will conclude.
If there are other events in the Calendar that are scheduled at the same time as your event, the system will warn you with Potential Conflicts
The final step in the Event Info tab is Contacts, which is described later in these instructions.
For step-by-step instructions on creating Single or Multi-Session Events, visit our support documents here:
Event Info: Recurring Event
Selecting Recurring Event
will bring up the section below:
Selecting Recurring Event
will bring up the section above with information to fill out.
For a Recurring Event, all of the fields are required.
Event Title: Type in a name for your event.
Event Status: Use the dropdown to let attendees know which of the following status options applies:
In the Start Date field, choose on what day your event reoccurrence will start.
In the End Date field, input when your event reoccurrence conclude.
End After
if your event cycle will end after a certain number of occurrences and input the number of total occurrences into the box.Select
End By
If your event cycle will end at a specific date and input the end date for your recurrence.
Use the Recurrence Pattern section to determine the frequency of your event's recurrence (
) and on which days.Enter the beginning and end times for your event into the Event Time field.
If your event lasts all day, select the checkbox next to
All-Day Event
and then proceed to designate your event's start and end dates.
If there are other events in the Calendar that are scheduled at the same time as your event, the system will warn you with Potential Conflicts.
The final step in the Event Info tab is Contacts, which is described later in these instructions.
For step-by-step instructions on creating a Recurring Event, visit our support documents here:
Designating an Event Contact
For any event type, you must designate an Event Contact
Our calendar system allows you to either designate an external contact or pull an internal contact from the Yale School of Medicine News and People Profile System, which will automatically populate email addresses and available contact information into the necessary fields.
To add an event contact, click Add New...
and the section below will pop up:
To add an Internal Event Contact, click
Add New
and type their name into the Find Yale Person search field. When their name appears below the search bar, click on their name and their information will populate accordingly (shown above).To add an External Event Contact, manually input their name, email contact, and phone number in the appropriate fields.
For either option, once you’ve designated your contact, click the Add
button to add them as a contact for your event.
The next step in the process of adding an event to the calendar is Event Content, instructions for which can be found here: