News Hero: Adding a Hero Image, Video, or Audio file to your News Article

News Hero: Adding a Hero Image, Video, or Audio file to your News Article

A hero image appears at the very top of a news article and can be used to set the tone for the article content.

  • While optional, hero media can make your article much more engaging.

  • You can add a hero image, video, or audio file, or even crate a gallery with any combination of those types.


Adding a Hero Image

To begin adding content, click the Add New Item button under Hero in the Media section of the News Editor.

You have two options for adding Hero media to a new article:

  1. Choosing existing media from the Media Library

  2. Adding new Media to the Media Library

Existing Media

Once you click Add New Item in the Hero section, the Choose Media modal will appear (shown below). The default view is All Public Media available to you in the Beatrix Media Library.

You can choose to browse or search the public media, filter by media type (highlighted in green below), or see the list of media you have previously uploaded (highlighted in yellow below).

The Choose Media modal showing all public media.

Once you have selected media, click Add To Page to see more details about the media and add it to the page.

Adding new Media

From the Choose Media modal, you can also click Upload Media to add new media to the Media Library and the article.

Adding Media to Article

Once you have chosen media or added new media, you will be taken to the Add Gallery Item modal (shown below).

From this modal, you can edit the title and alt text of the media as well as the caption before clicking Add to use the media as your Hero media.

If you add more than one media item, you have the ability to rearrange the order the heroes display in by dragging and dropping the items into your preferred order using the “Sort” icon to the left of the image, highlighted in blue below.


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