News Thumbnails and Hero Images: Uploading and Cropping

News Thumbnails and Hero Images: Uploading and Cropping

These instructions provide information on uploading and cropping thumbnail and hero images to a news article.

For more information on adding news articles in the News and People Profile System, read the following instructions:

News: Submitting Internal News Articles

News: Submitting External News Articles


The Article Image will appear alongside news article titles in news listings as well as the hero (banner image) of the article page. This image can be inserted with a simple drag and drop into the provided box (below).

PLEASE NOTE: All profile photos have already been imported into the Media Library and do not need to be reuploaded.

Use the crop tools to adjust the image for square and rectangular layouts. Alternatively, you may select an image from the Media Library.


Article Image Sizes:

  • Thumbnail 920 x 518

  • Article Image Inside Content 1440 x 810

  • Article Media Media Gallery, Article Hero 1440 x 810


Once you have uploaded your thumbnail, you are given a preview of the image. If you would like to use a different image instead, click Edit Image, highlighted below in yellow, which will open a new window in which you can Delete the current image and then upload another.


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