People & Calendars

People & Calendars

After starting to create your event in the Beatrix with the Event Information tab and providing additional information about the event with the Event Content tab, and uploading supplementary materials with the Related Materials tab, the next step is the People & Calendars section.

The People and Calendars section allows you to determine who sees the event and designate hosts, speakers, affiliated organizations, and the calendars on which your event will display.

For step-by-step instructions on creating events specified by event type, visit our support documents here:

Single Event: Step-by-Step

Recurring Event: Step-by-Step

Multi-Session Event: Step-by-Step


Table of Contents

Event Sharing

The first step in the People & Calendars tab is to determine the Event Sharing. These settings determine which calendar users can see an event in the calendar management tool.

There are two options for Event Sharing:

  • Public: These events will appear in search results for other calendar users.

    • Those users can add the event to their calendars or suggest it to any other calendar.

  • Private: These events are not searchable by other calendar users and will only be available to the calendars you suggest it to.

Use the Event Privacy toggle to choose whether you want your event to be Public or Private.


You can add tags to your event so that people can search for your event by the tag affiliated with your event. Tags can be either public or private:

  • Public keywords will display as filters in search so website visitors can easily find articles related to the keyword topic.

  • Private keywords will not display anywhere on the website.

    • However, you can still use these keywords to filter news or event listings that appear on your website.

    • The purpose of private tag is to create listings on the website that are limited by some arbitrary criteria of your choosing, for example "all seminars hosted in 2017."

To start adding tags, begin typing into the Add a New Tag search field and select from the suggested options.

The suggested tags will have an indication of whether they are Public or Private


When you have found your desired keyword, select it. You will then be allowed to select the tag to add it to your event.

  • Once added, the keyword will populate to either the Public or Private keyword field:

People and Organizations

Like the Event and RSVP Contacts shown in Event Content , you can either designate an External Speaker or pull an Internal Speaker from their Yale School of Medicine profile, which will automatically populate their email address and available contact information into the necessary fields.

  • Click the Add New Speaker button to add an Yale Speaker and type their name into the search field.

    • When their name appears below the search bar, click on their name and their information will populate accordingly.

  • To add an External Speaker manually input their name, title, and institution in the appropriate fields.

For either option, once you’ve designated your Speaker or Host, click the Add button to confirm them as Speaker or Host for your event.

  • If the speakers are yet to be announced, you can click the Speakers are to be announced checkbox above the Speakers section (shown below).

To add a Host Users and/or Host Organization, use the search bar to type in the necessary information to identify a Host User an/or Organization. You can also simply type an external Host User or Host Organization that is not pulling from Beatrix and add those details.


You can suggest an event to any calendar in the system. Some calendars will be automatically suggested based on the people and organizations you have tagged in your event, but you can also explicitly suggest your event to calendars in the system.

You can search for and add additional calendars to your event in the Add to Your Calendars section.

  • Begin looking for a calendar in the search field labeled Suggest to Calendars.

  • The search will suggest available calendars, and when you find one you want to add, select the result.

  • The calendar you add will then populate in the Calendars This Event Is Suggested To section (highlighted below in blue).

When you are satisfied with the information in the People & Calendars section, click Continue to move on to Publish.

If you are creating a Recurring Event, the next step is the Edit Occurrences sections, instructions for which can be found here:

Editing Occurrences

If you are creating a Multi-Session Event, the next step is the Edit Occurrences sections, instructions for which can be found here:

Editing Sessions


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