Hyperlinking Text

Hyperlinking Text

Hyperlinking text to documents, external websites, pages within your sites, and to e-mail addresses is simple in Beatrix CMS.

The following instructions will provide information on how to use the Beatrix Link Manager to link text on your page to documents, other pages within your site, and e-mail addresses.

Table of Contents

The Beatrix Link Manager

The Link Manager matches the tool in the News and Profile modules.

Highlight your text and select the link icon in the menu bar.

The Link Manager icon.
  1. In the next window, you will select the link type:

    1. Internal - this can be used to link directly to a Page Title or Content block on another page.

    2. External - this can be used to a full https:// url or to a relative link in https://medicine.yale.edu, e.g. /psychiatry

    3. Document - this is used to link to PDFs and other documents in the media library. You can select from an existing document, upload a new document or override the existing document that is linked from this manager.

    4. Image - This allows you to link to an image already in the Media Library or to upload a new image.

    5. Email - This creates a standard mailto: link


For information on hyperlinking text to a Document, please see these instructions, located in the Uploading and Adding Multimedia section:

Adding Documents to a Page

Pages Within Your Own Site

As a rule, you should avoid hyperlinking to pages within your own site through using a website address. Instead, you will use the internal link to a content item.

Make sure to test your page once publish to ensure that the text is hyperlinking to your chosen page within your site.

Even though other Publications live in Beatrix CMS along with your page, you can only use the Component link to link to content within the same publication your page is in. For pages from other Publications, use the External link.

The Link Checker

The Link Manager has a built in checker. If your external link is improperly formatted or contains a Safelink you will see a link warning and will not be able to save your work until this is corrected.

The link checker flagged this link which either needs “https://” or “/” to be valid.


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