Summary Templates

Summary Templates

Summaries are a good way to direct visitors to the content they are looking for. Summaries allow you to easily create a preview of content available on another page of your site which visitors can click to find out more (like the text you're currently reading!).

This section of instructions will cover the different types of Summaries you can add to a page via Tridion, how to create them, and how to add them.


Table of Contents


Content Summaries

By using a Content Summary Layout, you can include a brief introductory paragraph from one component or page and feature the same component in full on a separate page.

For information on adding Content Summaries to a page, see these instructions:

Content Summaries


Summary Lists

Summary List templates are excellent options for providing visitors with brief overviews of content on other pages through using a more "designed" element on your page.

For information on adding Summary Lists to a page, see these instructions:

Summary Lists


External Link Summaries

You can use an External Link Summary component to feature a prominent link to an external website (another YSM website or anywhere else on the web) with a short text introduction and link mimicking the format of a content summary item.

For information on adding External Link Summaries to a page via Tridion, see these instructions:

External Link Summaries