

The Link schema can be used to create Buttons, an easy and quick way to create a prominent link on your page. The button can either be a component link, a multimedia link, or a standard URL link.

The following instructions will provide information on how to use Tridion to create the different type of Buttons available and place them on a page.


Table of Contents


Link to a Webpage

To create a Button for a link to a URL or component, start by creating a Link component:

Click New Component (blue) to begin creating the Link component that will eventually be a Button.


In the Building Blocks folder of your website, click the New Component button (highlighted in blue above) in the Create tab (highlighted in yellow above):

You will be taken to a new page for creating the component (shown below):


Creating the Link component, in this case using the Component link field.


There is some important information to enter when creating a Link component for a button.

  1. Enter an appropriate Name for the component.

  2. Select Link from the Schema drop-down menu (highlighted in yellow above).

  3. Link Title: This field represents the text that will appear in your button.

    • Enter short text that quickly grabs visitors' attention.

    • Try to make it short enough to fit on the Button.

  4. URL or Component: You can use the Button to link to an external website with the URL for the link field or to another page in your site with the Component link field.

    • If you want to link to a page or website outside your publication, enter the full URL in the URL for the link field.

    • If you want to create a link to another page in your site, use the Component link field.

      • Click the magnifying glass icon (highlighted in red above), which will bring up the Building Blocks folder for your publication.

      • Choose a component on the page you want to link to in your publication, select it, and click Insert to link to it.

  5. Icon to display: Choose an icon to display in the button from the drop down list of preset options (highlighted in green above).

When you are done entering the information for the Link component that will become your Button, click Save and Close (highlighted in blue above).


To add the Link component to a page as a Button

  1. Navigate to the Root folder of your publication and find the page you want to add the button to.

  2. In the Component Presentations tab of the page, click Insert to bring up the Building Blocks folder.

  3. Select the component and choose Button (Side Column) or Button with Detail from the Component Template drop down menu.

  4. Save and Close the page, then Publish.


The screenshot below shows examples of Buttons (highlighted in yellow) using both the Button (Side Column) and Button with Detail templates:

The Button (Side Column) buttons are the blue ones, and the Button with Detail buttons are the red ones.


Link to Download a File

A Button using the Link: Multimedia schema will create a button which, when clicked by a visitor, downloads a file to their computer.

To create a button for a download link to a multimedia item:

Click New Component (blue) to begin creating the Link: Multimedia component that will eventually be a Button.


In the Building Blocks folder of your website, click the New Component button (highlighted in blue above) in the Create tab (highlighted in yellow above):

You will be taken to a new page for creating the component (shown below):


Creating the Link: Multimedia component that will eventually be a Button.


There is some important information to enter when creating a Link: Multimedia component for a button.

  1. Enter the appropriate Name for your component.

  2. Select Link: Multimedia from the Schema drop down menu (highlighted in yellow above).

  3. Link Title: This field represents the text that will appear in your button.

    • Enter short text that quickly grabs visitors' attention.

    • Try to make it short enough to fit on the Button.

  4. Select the magnifying glass icon (highlighted in red above) to choose the Multimedia file you want to link to.

    • There will be a pop up featuring the Building Blocks folder of your publication.

    • Choose the document you want to link in the button and click Insert.

  5. Icon to display: Choose an icon to display in the button from the drop down list of preset options (highlighted in green above).

When you are done entering the information for the Link: Multimedia component that will become your Button, click Save and Close (highlighted in blue above).

To add the Button to your page, follow the same instructions for a regular Link component Button, described in the previous section, then Publish the page.


The screenshot below shows examples of Link: Multimedia Buttons (highlighted in yellow) using both the Button (Side Column) and Button with Detail templates:

The Button (Side Column) buttons are the blue ones, and the Button with Detail buttons are the red ones.


You can see that if you choose the Download icon, the icon will change depending on the type of the linked Multimedia.

You can also see under the red Download PDF button that when you put in text in the Descriptive text for link, it shows up underneath the Button with Detail template buttons and not the Button (Side Column) template buttons.

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