Images and Image Galleries

Images and Image Galleries

There are many ways you can add an Image to a page in Tridion, including home page banner images, wide images, standard images next to paragraphs, and galleries.

Before you can add Images to a page, you must upload them to Tridion as Components.

For information on Uploading Images to Tridion, see these instructions:

Uploading Images


This section of instructions will provide information on the variety of ways you can add Images to a page in Tridion.


Table of Contents



Adding Images to Content Components

A common way to add images to pages is by attaching them onto Content components.

For information on Adding Images to Content Components so that they appear on a page, visit these instructions:

Adding Images to Content Components


Standalone Image

You can also insert images into the main body of your page without having to insert them into a content component.

For information on adding a Standalone Image to a page via Tridion, visit these instructions:

Standalone Image


Large Image Gallery

Large image galleries appear in the center area of your page.


Photo Gallery List

If your site has several photo galleries, you can create a page featuring a listing of galleries that functions much like a table of contents.