Large Image Galleries

Large Image Galleries

Large Image Galleries appear in the center area of your page. These are recommended for pages without a lot of content as they take up more space than the photo gallery widget.

Remember, you must have already uploaded your image(s) into Tridion first.

For information on Uploading Images to Tridion, see these instructions:

Uploading Images


Images must be a minimum of 1400 pixels wide to appear in the main column photo gallery. Otherwise they will not appear on the page.


The following instructions will provide information on how to create an Image Gallery for the center area of your page via Tridion.


Table of Contents


Creating a List Component for the Gallery

Once you’ve uploaded your Images to Tridion, you will need to create a List Component.

Click New Component (blue) to begin creating a List component.


In the Building Blocks folder of your respective website, click New Component (highlighted in blue above) in the Create tab (highlighted in yellow above) of the navigation bar.

You will be taken to a new page for creating the component (shown below):


Creating a List component for the Image components.


  1. Enter an appropriate Name for your component.

  2. Select List from the Schema drop down menu (highlighted in yellow above).

  3. Display Title: Enter text here if you want to put a Title above the Image Gallery.

  4. List Element: Click the magnifying glass icon on the right (highlighted in blue above).

You will be taken to your Building Blocks folder.

  • Select the first Image Component you want to link to and click Insert.



Back on the page for creating the List component (shown above), click on the green + icon (highlighted in yellow above) to add the rest of the Image components you want to link to.

Select the other Image components and click Insert to add them to the List component. Click Close to return to the component page.



Once you have added multiple Image components, you can remove them from the List using the trashcan icons (highlighted in red above) or sort them by clicking and dragging the move icons (highlighted in blue above).

Once you are happy with your list, click Save and Close (highlighted in yellow above) and you are ready to add the component to a page.


Inserting the Large Image Gallery on to a Page

Once you’ve created the List component that houses the Image components you want to display in a Gallery, you can add it to a page.

  1. Navigate in the Root Folder to the page you want the link list displayed on, and open it.

  2. Click on the Component Presentations tab.

  3. Click the Insert button located at the bottom of the tab.

  4. In the window that opens, navigate to the location of the List component you just created and click on the component.

  5. Select Mixed Media Gallery from the Component Template dropdown menu.

  6. Click Insert to add the component to your page, then click Close to return to the page.

  7. Save & Close the page, and you are ready to Publish.


Example of a Large Image Gallery on a Page

The below screenshot is an example of a Large Image Gallery, as it appears on a page.

A Large Image Gallery as it appears on a webpage.


The images appear in a carousel below the displayed image, and you can cycle through them with the arrows or choose a specific one by clicking on its thumbnail.

Any metadata for the photo will be revealed if you hover your mouse over the photo (highlighted in yellow above).


Instructional Video


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