Beatrix: How to Use Security Groups for NetID and Auth0 Security logins (instructions for stakeholders)

Beatrix: How to Use Security Groups for NetID and Auth0 Security logins (instructions for stakeholders)

Beatrix allows you to self manage who can access content that requires password Log-in. The Web group will set up the security on page and your initial groups. Users may maintain their access lists with the following procedures.


  1. Go to Organizations in Beatrix and select your organization

  2. Click on Security Groups

  3. Create a Security Group

  4. Select an existing group, or

  5. Click on Add New. Name the Group, add a meaningful description and the URL where this is going to be used, and type of user. You cannot mix Yale NetIDs users with External Users. If you have both, make two security groups.

To Add Single Users:

Add the Email and select whether it is an internal or external user depending on which type of group you are working with (you cannot mix Yale and external users in one group).

Bulk upload:

  1. Click on Bulk External Users Upload

  2. Download spreadsheet template. The file structure must meet the following criteria:

  • The first line contains column headers.

  • The value separator is a comma.

  • The email field is required, while the first and last name fields are optional.

  • All characters in the email address should be lowercase

3. Upload your .csv file

4. You may add a custom message to replace the generic YSM message for the content below that is in the red box

For example, it may be helpful to reference the department such as:
Welcome! You have been added to the Yale School of Medicine Auth0 account. Auth0 is used to provide access to resources from the Yale Child Study Center Childhood Trauma Program.

5. Click the upload button.

6. You will receive confirmation of your upload’s success via email.

Applying Security to the Website

E-mail ysm.editor@yale.edu to have the security groups added to your webpage.


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