Faculty Profile Widgets

Faculty Profile Widgets are useful for organizations that would like to highlight information for only one individual on a homepage, such as a principle investigator for a lab. These widgets appear in the left column of a page.

The following instructions provide information on creating a Faculty Profile Widget and inserting it on to a page via Tridion.


Table of Contents


Creating the Faculty Profile Widget Component

The first step in creating a Faculty Profile Widget is to create a Faculty Profile Widget component.

Click New Component (blue) to begin creating a People Listing component.


In the Building Blocks folder of your respective website, click New Component (highlighted in blue above) in the Create tab (highlighted in yellow above) of the navigation bar.

You will be taken to a new page for creating the component (shown below):


Creating a Faculty Profile Widget component.


The following information is important for filling out the component:

  1. Enter the appropriate Name for the component.

  2. Choose Faculty Profile Widget from the Schema drop down menu (highlighted above in yellow).

  3. Heading: Enter the text you want to appear as the title of the widget.

    • For example, “Principal Investigator”

  4. Subtitle: This is not required, but enter text here if you want text to appear that overrides the titles in the profile.

  5. Page Name: Enter the name of the person whose profile you are linking to, as it appears in the URL of the profile’s website.

    • For example, if the profile is “https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/christopher_burd/” enter christopher_burd.

    • You can add other profiles by clicking the green + icon (highlighted in green above).

      • If you do add multiple, you can delete a profile using the trashcan icon or sort the profiles in the order you want them to appear with the move icons (highlighted above in green).

  6. The rest of the information (highlighted above in red) provides options for what you want to appear in the Profile Widget.

    • Check the boxes to include the information.

When you are finished entering the information, click Save and Close (highlighted in blue above), and you are ready to add the component to a page.


Adding the Faculty Profile Widget to a Page

After creating the Faculty Profile Widget component, you can add the component to a page.

  1. Navigate in the Root folder to the page you'd like to add a Profile Widget to and double-click to open the page.

  2. In the window that opens, click the Component Presentations tab.

  3. Click Insert at the bottom left of the page window.

  4. Browse to the Profile Widget component you created and click to select it.

  5. From the Component Template dropdown, select the Faculty Profile Widget (side column) template.

  6. Click the Insert button at the bottom right, then the Close button.

  7. Save and Close the page, then you are ready to publish.


Example of a Faculty Profile Widget on a Page

The screenshot below shows an example of a Faculty Profile Widget as it appears on a page.

A Faculty Profile Widget on a page in the left column (yellow).


The Faculty Profile Widget populates in the left column of the page (highlighted in yellow above), with the information that was opted into and a link to the profile.