International Activity Map

International Activity Map

Yale School of Medicine faculty are involved in a multitude of international research projects and collaborations in every part of the world. You can use the International Activity Map to display visually where your organization's faculty are at work across the globe.

  • Google maps have been integrated with the Faculty Profile System to enable YSM websites to easily create maps using data stored in the profile system.

In the case of the International Activity Map, Tridion and Google Maps use Profile System information from the Activity Map section in the profiles of the faculty members associated with an organization.

For detailed instructions on adding and editing information to a faulty member’s Activity Map in the Profile System, please visit the Professional Activity instructions in the People Profiles section.


The following instructions provide information on how to use Tridion to create and display an interactive map of locations where your organization's faculty work.


Table of Contents


Creating the International Activity Map Component

The first step in adding an International Activity Map to your page via Tridion is creating an International Activity Map component.

Click New Component (blue) to begin creating an International Activity Map component.


In the Building Blocks folder of your respective website, click New Component (highlighted in blue above) in the Create tab (highlighted in yellow above) of the navigation bar.

You will be taken to a new page for creating the component (shown below):


Creating an International Activity Map component.


  1. Enter an appropriate Name for your component.

  2. Choose International Activity Map from the Schema drop down menu (highlighted in yellow above).

  3. Title: What is entered in this field will display above the map on the page.

  4. Enter a brief summary of your organization's international activity in the Description field (optional).

  5. OrgID to display: Enter the appropriate 6-digit Organization ID(s) for the groups of faculty members whose activity you want to display.

    • You can find an Organization ID in the profile system.

      • Click on the Organizations tab in the top navigation.

      • Find the organization in the list or use the Filter field to narrow the list.

      • Click the pencil/edit icon to the right of the organization.

      • You can find the ID under Organization ID in the top-right corner of the Information section.

    • To add another Organization ID, click the green + icon (highlighted in green above).

    • To remove an Organization ID, click the trash can icon (highlighted in green above).

    • To sort the Organization ID’s, click and drag the move icons (highlighted in green above).

  6. Show all activity?: Check this box if you want all the activity of the faculty in the organization to display.

    • If the box is not checked, the map displays only activity from the past 2 years.

When you are satisfied with your information, Save and Close the component (highlighted in blue above), and you are ready to add it to a page.


Adding the International Activity Map Component to a Page

After creating the International Activity Map component, you can add the component to a page.

  1. Navigate in the Root folder to the page you'd like to add a Map to and double-click to open the page.

  2. In the window that opens, click the Component Presentations tab.

  3. Click Insert at the bottom left of the page window.

  4. Browse to the International Activity Map component you created and click to select it.

  5. From the Component Template dropdown, select the International Activity Map template.

  6. Click the Insert button at the bottom right, then the Close button.

  7. Save and Close the page, then you are ready to publish.


Example of an International Activity Map on a Page

The screenshots below show an example of an International Activity Map template, as it appears on a website.

An International Activity Map on a page.


There are a few elements to point out on the map:

  1. The Title is displayed above the map (highlighted in yellow above).

  2. The list to the right of the map (highlighted in blue above) shows the countries that have activities in the last 2 years from a faculty member in the organization (and how many activities).

    • You can scroll through the list of All Continents, or use the drop down menu (highlighted in green above) to filter by continent.


The screenshot below shows the display once you filter by continent:


When you click on a country, the map looks like this:

The map when a country is selected.


  1. You can return to the continent list by clicking Back to (continent) (highlighted in yellow above).

  2. The map populates with all the activities in the last 2 years that happened in the country.

  3. The list changes to show the faculty members that had activity in the country (highlighted in blue above).


If you click directly on a marker:


A pop up window will appear and show the activity and which faculty member was involved.


If you click on a faculty member:


All of the selected faculty member’s activity markers will turn from blue to red (highlighted in yellow above).

Also, a pop up will appear above the first activity, and you can see the other activities by clicking See Next in the pop up window.

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