Web-Based Tools and Integrations

Web-Based Tools and Integrations

There are several systems created by the Office of Communications which are managed outside of Tridion but can feed information into Tridion sites.

  • These systems ensure consistency and avoid duplication of content which is appropriate for multiple sites, in addition to allowing users without knowledge of Tridion to update web content.

The following section of instructions provides information on the integration of these Web-Based Tools with Tridion.


Table of Contents


People Profiles Listing

All YSM sites are required to utilize the Profile System when adding listings of faculty members. Using the profile system ensures that any update made to a faculty or staff member's profile will appear on all YSM sites.

For information on using the Profile System to list faculty members in Tridion, visit these instructions:

People Profiles Listings


News Listings

Many departments want to publicize their news to the public, whether patients or prospective students/postdoc fellows. Tridion offers news components that create clean, sortable layouts for displaying news on the web.

For information on making News Listings in Tridion, visit these instructions:

News Listings


Event Calendars in Tridion

Tridion uses information from the Event Calendar Tool in the Profile System to display Events and Calendars on pages.

For information on setting up and displaying Events and Calendars from the Profile System in Tridion, visit these instructions:

Event Calendars


Clinical Trials in Tridion

Rather than adding new clinical trials to your site adhoc, using the Clinical Trials component will pull in information from the Clinical Trials System, a function much like the News Listing and PubMed Feed.

For information on displaying Clinical Trials from the Clinical Trials System via Tridion, visit these instructions:

Clinical Trials in Tridion



Security can be used on YSM sites to restrict access to an entire site or one particular directory, or structure group, of a site. There are 3 main types of security: CAS (the Yale University login system), Generic security (standard username and password), and External User Security (using Auth0 to give access to people without a NetID).

For information on setting up Security for a web page via Tridion, visit these instructions:




In addition to including standard text directions, you can add Google maps to your page. Google maps have been integrated with the Faculty Profile System to enable YSM websites to easily create maps using data stored in the faculty profile system.

For information on using Profile System data to insert a Maps on to a page via Tridion, visit these instructions:

Maps in Tridion


Box.com File Listing

In order to streamline the process of sharing documents on YSM websites and to give website stakeholders the ability to update documents directly on the websites, we have added an integration that allows you to list files hosted on Box.com on your YSM website. Sometimes documents change frequently or need emergency updates, and giving stakeholders direct control over this easy-to-update content can reduce our number of total helpdesk tickets and avoid the need for some emergency edits.

For information on adding a listing of files hosted on Box.com to your YSM website, view these instructions:

Box.com File Listing

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