

Beatrix.yale.edu allows you to manage various types of information associated with a person’s profile.

The following instructions will explain how to manage and edit the general profile and biographical information associated with a person.

To begin managing the Overview:

  1. Visit https://beatrix.yale.edu

  2. Log in with your NetID and password

  3. Click People in the navigation.

  4. Find and select the profile you want to edit (see Edit a Profile for more information).

  5. The Overview section is the first page, so you do not need to navigate to it.

Table of Contents

Display Name

The name on your profile comes from the name in your record in Yale's HR systems. However, there are several ways to change how the name displays in the profile.

  • You can Show middle name on web profile to have the official middle name display on the profile.

  • You can also use the Display Name fields to change how the name displays on the profile, e.g. adding a nickname.

If your name has a typo or is in need of correction, we highly recommend that you send a request to change the official name to HR by clicking Request Edit. Workday name corrections will sync with your profile in Beatrix.

Display Suffixes

You can use the Suffix builder to create a custom suffix list for the profile based on family, academic, and professional suffixes.

  • Choose which kind of suffix you want to add with the radio button next to Family, Academic, or Professional.

  • The choice will populate the drop-down menu with the options available for the type of suffix.

  • Once you have chosen your suffixes, you can arrange the order in which you want them to appear by dragging the suffixes into the order you want.


There are rules for the suffix options available and how they appear on the profile:


Family Suffixes: You can only have one family suffix (II, Jr., etc.) and it appears before the academic or Professional suffixes.

Academic Suffixes: You can add as many academic suffixes as you want and put them in any order you want, but they will only appear as an option in the - Choose One - drop-down menu if you have added the corresponding credentials to the profile in the Education section of the Profile manager.

Professional Suffixes: Generally gained through certifications and testing, you can add as many professional suffixes as you want and put them in whatever order you want.


If a suffix of any of the types does not appear in the drop-down menu, email ysm.editor@yale.edu to request a change.

Changes to either the Display Name or Suffixes will change the data in the profile header as well as the contact info on the profile.


You can designate your preferred pronouns, if you would like them to display along with your name in the header of your profile.

  • Click Add New to add pronouns to the profile.

  • In the Pronoun Type menu, you can choose from any of the pre-loaded pronoun sets, or fully customize each profile by selecting Custom.

  • You can also choose whether you want the pronouns to display on the public profile with the Display this entry on your web profile? toggle.


In the Overview, you can add languages (other than English) to a profile and describe the person’s proficiency in 3 different aspects:

  • Speaking

  • Reading

  • Writing

The languages section allows you to add a language and describe the proficiency.


To add a language, select one from the drop down menu, and click Add.

  • Once you have added a language, click the arrow next to the Reading, Writing, or Speaking drop-down to determine the proficiency.

  • You can remove a language by clicking on the trashcan icons.


Contact Info

You can add a variety of different phone and fax numbers that you want to save on your profile.

The red lock/green eye next to each contact allows you to designate privacy for a contact. Red is private; green is public.

  • A Private piece of contact information will be available to you, your designated profile editors, and your organization administrators, but will not appear on any website outside of Beatrix.


Your Yale email address is automatically supplied by HR, but this section allows you to add a different email address by using the field.

  • You can designate your Email to display or not display.

Your Assistants

The profile system seeks to maintain a list of administrative assistants for communication purposes. The assistants will also appear on your profile, and can be configured to display in the header of your profile on the Appearance page.

  • To add an assistant, click the Add Assistant button and begin typing the person’s name.

  • The search field will populate accordingly, select the name once you find it and it will be added to your profile.

  • When you select the name, you will be asked if you want this person to also have access to edit your profile. If you choose Yes, the person will also be added as an Editor. If you choose No, the person will just be for display on the profile and internal records.

  • Click the X next to the name to remove the person from the profile.

Mailing Addresses

In the Mailing Address section of the Overview page, click Add New... and enter your information. Once you are done filling out the required fields (starred), as well as indicating whether the address accepts postal & delivery, click the Add button to make this address the Mailing address.


In the Locations section of the Overview page, you can add several types of locations you want to be associated with your profile. There are 3 types of locations:

  1. Patient Care: If you see patients, add a Patient Care location to indicate where you do.

  2. Academic Office

  3. Lab

To add any of the above addresses, click Add New... under Locations.

The red lock/green eye icon next to each contact allows you to designate privacy for a contact.

A Private location will be available to you, your designated profile editors, and your organization administrators, but will not appear on any website outside of this system.

Buildings :

  • Buildings are provided to select from. Enter the address of the building of your location, and select the correct one from the suggested addresses.

Once you have added all of the relevant locations for your profile, you can you can edit or delete the addresses using the pencil and trashcan icons.

You can click and drag the locations to change the order.

The mailing address and locations that you add here and mark as Public will populate in the Locations section of your profile (highlighted below in yellow).

How locations will appear in a profile.

The Patient Care locations will populate in the Yale Medicine profile, but if the person has patient care locations, a link will be provided to the Yale Medicine profile in the Locations section of the YSM profile (seen above).

Lab Website

To add a Lab Website to your profile, fill in the Lab Name and Lab URL fields with the appropriate information. You can also add a short Description of the Lab.

The Lab Website will appear as a link in the Research section of the profile.

All information is automatically saved in the system and will display on public web profiles within 20 minutes.